Third Mongol invasion of Poland (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Third Mongol invasion of Poland" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
504th place
1,305th place
3rd place
3rd place

  • Nashchubskiy, Oleg (2024-04-13). Russia is the blood enemy of Ukraine. The true history of Ukraine and Russia from the 2nd century BC. not distorted by Russian propaganda. Thus, the third Mongol invasion of Poland was unsuccessful for the horde
  • Stone, Zofia (2017-02-01). Genghis Khan: A Biography. Vij Books India Pvt Ltd. ISBN 978-93-86834-32-4. Compared to the first two invasions, the raid of 1287/88 was short and much less devastating. The Mongols did not capture any significant cities or castles and lost a significant number of soldiers. They also took fewer prisoners and loot than in the previous invasions.