Hardarson, Omar (1997). "Interactive coding of economic activity using trigram search in BLAISE III"(PDF). International Blaise User Group. Note: This article discusses trigram search as a way of efficiently encoding certain kinds of economic data, and finds that this technique is particularly useful when the users of the system have little context for the structure of the data.
"Big Grep". resources.sei.cmu.edu. 11 August 2017. Retrieved 2022-06-12. Also called BigGrep. Uses n-grams (not always 3),
Zobel, Justin; Moffat, Alistair; Sacks-Davis, Ron (1993). "Searching Large Lexicons for Partially Specified Terms using Compressed Inverted Files"(PDF). Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB). Note: This research paper does not use the term "trigram search" but does seem to be the first instance in the literature of using n-grams as indices, and is cited in the Russ Cox article as the first instance of the structure of a reverse index based on trigrams. The paper also cited successful performance results from using this style of search.