David William Brunton and John Allen Davis, Modern Tunneling: With Special Reference to Mine and Water-supply Tunnels (New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1914), p. 182.
Frederick Edward Blackett Beaumont, U.K. Patent no. 1,904 (issued: July 30, 1864). (See: Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications relating to Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, and Well-sinking (London, England: Office of the Commissioners of Patents for Inventions, 1874), p. 247.Archived 2023-07-28 at the Wayback Machine)
F.E.B. Beaumont, U.K. Patent no. 4,166 (issued: Dec. 2, 1875). (See: Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications. Class 85, Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, and Well-sinking (London, England: Patent Office, 1904), p. 169.Archived 2023-07-28 at the Wayback Machine)
Charles Wilson, "Dressing stone," U.S. patent 5,012 (issued: March 13, 1847).
Charles Wilson, "Machine for tunneling rocks, etc.," U.S. patent 14,483 (issued: March 18, 1856).
Ebenezer Talbot, "Machine for tunnelling or boring rock," U.S. patent 9,774 (issued: June 7, 1853).
John D. Brunton, "Improved machine for sinking shafts," U.S. patent 80,056 (issued: July 21, 1868).
Thomas English, U.K. Patent no.s 4,347 (issued: October 25, 1880) and 5,317 (issued: December 5, 1881); "Tunneling-machine," U.S. patent 307,278 (filed: June 4, 1884 ; issued: October 28, 1884).
Frederick Edward Blackett Beaumont, U.K. Patent no. 1,904 (issued: July 30, 1864). (See: Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications relating to Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, and Well-sinking (London, England: Office of the Commissioners of Patents for Inventions, 1874), p. 247.Archived 2023-07-28 at the Wayback Machine)
F.E.B. Beaumont, U.K. Patent no. 4,166 (issued: Dec. 2, 1875). (See: Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications. Class 85, Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, and Well-sinking (London, England: Patent Office, 1904), p. 169.Archived 2023-07-28 at the Wayback Machine)