Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Turks in Europe" in English language version.
İtalya'da yaşayan 50 bin kadar Türk vatandaşının
there are also about a million French people of Turkish origin that will show their weight in the electoral balance.
This is not all of a sudden, says expert at the Center for Ethnic and Political Science Studies, Boris Kharkovsky. "These days, up to 15 million Turks live in the EU countries...
Der er omkring 200.000 muslimer i Danmark. Heraf har 70.000 tyrkiske rødder og udgør dermed den største muslimske indvandrergruppe.
There are around 10 million Euro-Turks living in the European Union countries of Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium.
The identity of the 150,000 members of the Turkish minority (50 percent of the population in Greek Thrace) is essentially based on a Turkish rather than a Muslim historical consciousness. This consciousness extends back to the founding of the first of four western Thracian republics in the summer of 1913. Although this state existed for only fifty-five days, it was also the first Turkish republic.
It follows that large Muslim minorities like the Turks – who total over 200,000 in Belgium
Chancellor Helmut Kohl warned [in 1997]: "If we today give in to demands for dual citizenship, we would soon have four, five, or six million Turks in Germany instead of three million".
Today, more than 4 million people of Turkish origin are living in Germany.
Approximately four million people with Turkish roots are living in Germany at this time [2013].
In Germany today about three to four million Turks, about 5 percent of the total population, reside.
By the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century there were around four million people of Turkish descent living in Germany... least 4 million people of Turkish descent living in Germany.
Today, for example, it is estimated that more than four million Turks and German citizens with part of full Turkish ancestry live in Germany alone.
...about four million Turks are thought to live in Germany.
Nearly fifty years later, close to four million Turks and their children continue to reside in the margins of German society
By 2010 the number of Turkish descent living in Germany had increased to four million.
"A Senior European official in Brussels...remarking..."It is a little late to start the debate about being an immigrant country now, when already seven million Turks live in Germany.
The current German chancellor, Angela Merkel, recently made world news when she said Germany's Leitkultur (defining culture) needs to be accepted by Germany's seven million Turkish immigrants.
the Dutch Turkish community... out of a population that over the years must have numbered half a million.
Having said that, a few thousand Swedish citizens currently live in Turkey and the number went up 60 percent in 2017. According to Hyden, Turkish hospitality played an important part behind this increase. She said around 150,000 Turkish citizens live in Sweden, which has a total population of 10 million.
There are about 10 million Turks living in the Balkan area of southeastern Europe and in western Europe at present.
La France d'aujourd'hui est une société multiculturelle et multiethnique riche de 4,9 millions de migrants représentant environ 8 % de la population du pays. L'immigration massive de populations du sud de l'Europe de culture catholique après la deuxième guerre mondiale a été suivie par l'arrivée de trois millions d'Africains du Nord, d'un million de Turcs et de contingents importants d'Afrique Noire et d'Asie qui ont implanté en France un islam majoritairement sunnite (Maghrébins et Africains de l'Ouest) mais aussi chiite (Pakistanais et Africains de l'Est).
Ud af cirka 200.000 muslimer i Danmark har 70.000 tyrkiske rødder, og de udgør dermed langt den største muslimske indvandrergruppe.
İzzet ER Hocamız konuşmasında katılımcıları selamladıktan sonra, Fransa'da resmi verilere göre, 550 bin Türk nüfusunun bulunduğunu, bu sayının gayrı resmi olarak 1 milyon civarında tahmin edildiğini söyledi.
The Home Office says that there are about 150,000 Turkish nationals living in Britain at present, with about 500,000 people of Turkish origin living in the country altogether. But Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and France all have larger Turkish communities which are more likely to attract a new wave of legal migration.
Bu sayı toplam nüfusun yüzde 3'üne denk geliyor.
It is often said that if the descendants of those who migrated from Cyprus to Turkey back in 1931 are included, the number of Turkish Cypriots living in the "motherland" might exceed 600,000.
Muzicant wandte sich am Donnerstag in einem Brief an alle Gemeindemitglieder. Er sichert darin Hilfe der IKG zu und ruft alle, die Opfer solcher Übergriffe werden, auf, sich bei der Kultusgemeinde zu melden und Anzeige bei der Polizei zu erstatten. »Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass der Antisemitismus jetzt auf die 400.000 in Österreich lebenden Türken übergreift.«
En France, la population franco-turque a dépassé le million.
Presently (2020) more than seven million Turks live in Germany.
Depuis dix ans, ce chiffre est régulièrement ben brèche: les estimations hautes décrivent une France qui compterait 4 à 5 millions d'Algériens et descendants, autour de 3 millions de Marocains, 1 million de Tunisiens, 2 millions d'Africains du Sahel, 800 000 Turcs, etc.
The Dutch government was concerned about Turkey's reaction to the European Council's conclusions on Cyprus, keeping in mind the presence of two million Turks in Holland and the strong business links with Turkey.
... et ce grâce à la nombreuse diaspora turque, en particulier en France et en Allemagne. Ils seraient environ un million dans l'Hexagone, si ce n'est raisons derrière ne sont pas difficiles à deviner : l'immense population turque en Allemagne, estimée par Merkel elle-même aux alentours de sept millions et qui ne manquerait pas de se faire entendre si l'Allemagne prenait des mesures allant à l'encontre de la Turquie.
Bu küçücük ülkede yaşayan 1000 Türk'ten...
At present the ethnic Bulgarians in Bulgaria are estimated at 5 million, the ethnic Turks at around 1 million, and the Roma at 1 million, according to the center.
Approximately 30,000 Kosovo Turks live in Kosovo today, while up to 250,000 people from different Kosovo communities speak or at least understand the Turkish language.
Article 1...the Greek and the Turkish Communities of Cyprus respectively...
Europe has always been reluctant to accept Turkey into the EU–partly due to a cultural bias against Muslims–despite the some seven million Turks living in Germany today.
There are about 10 million Turks living in the Balkan area of southeastern Europe and in western Europe at present.
La France d'aujourd'hui est une société multiculturelle et multiethnique riche de 4,9 millions de migrants représentant environ 8 % de la population du pays. L'immigration massive de populations du sud de l'Europe de culture catholique après la deuxième guerre mondiale a été suivie par l'arrivée de trois millions d'Africains du Nord, d'un million de Turcs et de contingents importants d'Afrique Noire et d'Asie qui ont implanté en France un islam majoritairement sunnite (Maghrébins et Africains de l'Ouest) mais aussi chiite (Pakistanais et Africains de l'Est).
Toplam sayılarının 10 000 civarında olduğu tahmin edilen Türklerin...
Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said Erdogan is "not welcome" to hold campaign events, adding that it would "increase friction" in Austria and prevent the integration of a 360,000-strong minority of Turkish origin.
An extra dimension in the row is that the warship was from Germany, which, as home to seven million people of Turkish descent, has always paid considerable attention to its relations with Ankara.
Erol kan niet voor alle twee miljoen Turken in Nederland spreken, maar hij denkt dat Beatrix wel goed ligt bij veel van zijn landgenoten.
Was sind die Gründe für dieses massive Unbehagen angesichts von rund 360.000 Menschen türkischer Herkunft?
Article 1...the Greek and the Turkish Communities of Cyprus respectively...
İzzet ER Hocamız konuşmasında katılımcıları selamladıktan sonra, Fransa'da resmi verilere göre, 550 bin Türk nüfusunun bulunduğunu, bu sayının gayrı resmi olarak 1 milyon civarında tahmin edildiğini söyledi.
Was sind die Gründe für dieses massive Unbehagen angesichts von rund 360.000 Menschen türkischer Herkunft?
Muzicant wandte sich am Donnerstag in einem Brief an alle Gemeindemitglieder. Er sichert darin Hilfe der IKG zu und ruft alle, die Opfer solcher Übergriffe werden, auf, sich bei der Kultusgemeinde zu melden und Anzeige bei der Polizei zu erstatten. »Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass der Antisemitismus jetzt auf die 400.000 in Österreich lebenden Türken übergreift.«
Approximately four million people with Turkish roots are living in Germany at this time [2013].
Depuis dix ans, ce chiffre est régulièrement ben brèche: les estimations hautes décrivent une France qui compterait 4 à 5 millions d'Algériens et descendants, autour de 3 millions de Marocains, 1 million de Tunisiens, 2 millions d'Africains du Sahel, 800 000 Turcs, etc.
the Dutch Turkish community... out of a population that over the years must have numbered half a million.
Toplam sayılarının 10 000 civarında olduğu tahmin edilen Türklerin...
Turków jest w Polsce ok. 5 tys. – wynika z danych opracowanych przez Instytut Spraw Publicznych.