Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Unincorporated area" in English language version.
In other parts of the country, such as the South and West, some areas remain unincorporated. These latter areas are not served by local general-purpose municipal governments, but rather by county services.(At p. 178.)
The city's first choice for providing fire and EMS service[...]to provide these services if the area is annexed[and]No. Annexation does not change school district boundaries or attendance zones in any way.[and]No. The U.S. Postal Service establishes ZIP codes[...] Annexation would not change the Kingwood ZIP code or mailing addresses.
The city's first choice for providing fire and EMS service[...]to provide these services if the area is annexed[and]No. Annexation does not change school district boundaries or attendance zones in any way.[and]No. The U.S. Postal Service establishes ZIP codes[...] Annexation would not change the Kingwood ZIP code or mailing addresses.