United States corporate law (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "United States corporate law" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
696th place
428th place
26th place
20th place
low place
low place
529th place
314th place
6,775th place
3,885th place
332nd place
246th place
703rd place
501st place
1st place
1st place
low place
8,359th place
low place
low place
421st place
263rd place
8,043rd place
6,448th place
18th place
17th place
1,775th place
970th place
68th place
117th place
6th place
6th place
3,811th place
2,160th place
1,478th place
868th place
565th place
460th place
9,885th place
7,892nd place
5,608th place
3,261st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
5,263rd place
3,305th place
2,229th place
1,256th place
low place
low place
70th place
63rd place
low place
low place
1,785th place
1,133rd place
4,553rd place
2,680th place
264th place
249th place
4,633rd place
2,753rd place
210th place
157th place
49th place
47th place
low place
6,663rd place
3,544th place
1,912th place
1,249th place
4,347th place
6,607th place
3,855th place
7th place
7th place
low place
low place
5th place
5th place
809th place
536th place


  • See William Ripley, Wall Street and Main Street (1927) 30, 'The little state of Delaware has always been forward in this chartermongering business.'





  • e.g. DGCL §141(a), "The business and affairs of every corporation organized under this chapter shall be managed by or under the direction of a board of directors, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter or in its certificate of incorporation." California Corporations Code §300(a) Archived November 13, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. NYBCL §701, "Subject to any provision in the certificate of incorporation authorized by ... [the] certificate of incorporation as to control of directors ... the business of a corporation shall be managed under the direction of its board of directors ... " This is a change from an old dictum in Manson v Curtis, 119 NE 559, 562 (NY 1918) where it was said that a director's powers are "original and undelegated". For support for this position, see Johannes Zahn, Wirtschaftsführertum und Vertragsethik im Neuen Aktienrecht 95 (1934) reviewed by Friedrich Kessler (1935) 83 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 393 and Stephen Bainbridge, Director Primacy and Shareholder Disempowerment, 119(6) Harvard Law Review 1735, 1746, fn 59 (2006)







  • e.g. DGCL §141(a), "The business and affairs of every corporation organized under this chapter shall be managed by or under the direction of a board of directors, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter or in its certificate of incorporation." California Corporations Code §300(a) Archived November 13, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. NYBCL §701, "Subject to any provision in the certificate of incorporation authorized by ... [the] certificate of incorporation as to control of directors ... the business of a corporation shall be managed under the direction of its board of directors ... " This is a change from an old dictum in Manson v Curtis, 119 NE 559, 562 (NY 1918) where it was said that a director's powers are "original and undelegated". For support for this position, see Johannes Zahn, Wirtschaftsführertum und Vertragsethik im Neuen Aktienrecht 95 (1934) reviewed by Friedrich Kessler (1935) 83 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 393 and Stephen Bainbridge, Director Primacy and Shareholder Disempowerment, 119(6) Harvard Law Review 1735, 1746, fn 59 (2006)
  • DGCL §141(a) Also see DGCL §350, shareholder agreements may only affect a board's discretion in close corporations, and Galler v Galler, 32 Ill2d 16 (1964)





  • "Opinion" (PDF). Del. Court of Chancery. 25 January 2023.







  • e.g. DGCL §141(a), "The business and affairs of every corporation organized under this chapter shall be managed by or under the direction of a board of directors, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter or in its certificate of incorporation." California Corporations Code §300(a) Archived November 13, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. NYBCL §701, "Subject to any provision in the certificate of incorporation authorized by ... [the] certificate of incorporation as to control of directors ... the business of a corporation shall be managed under the direction of its board of directors ... " This is a change from an old dictum in Manson v Curtis, 119 NE 559, 562 (NY 1918) where it was said that a director's powers are "original and undelegated". For support for this position, see Johannes Zahn, Wirtschaftsführertum und Vertragsethik im Neuen Aktienrecht 95 (1934) reviewed by Friedrich Kessler (1935) 83 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 393 and Stephen Bainbridge, Director Primacy and Shareholder Disempowerment, 119(6) Harvard Law Review 1735, 1746, fn 59 (2006)




  • e.g., sponsored by Bernie Sanders, Workplace Democracy Act of 1999, HR 1277, Title III, §301. See further R Cook, 'The Case for Joint Trusteeship of Pension Plans' (2002) WorkingUSA 25. Most recently, the Employees' Pension Security Act of 2008 (HR 5754) §101 would have amended ERISA 1974 §403(a) to insert 'The assets of a pension plan which is a single-employer plan shall be held in trust by a joint board of trustees, which shall consist of two or more trustees representing on an equal basis the interests of the employer or employers maintaining the plan and the interests of the participants and their beneficiaries.'



  • See L Bebchuk, A Cohen and A Ferrell, Does the Evidence Favor State Competition in Corporate Law? 90 California LR 1775, 1809–1810 (2002)













  • This is not inevitable, as in corporations without shareholders, or those which may choose to give a voice to employees, e.g. Massachusetts Laws, General Laws, Part I Administration of the Government, Title XII Corporations, ch 156 Business Corporations, §23
  • Massachusetts Laws, General Laws, Part I Administration of the Government, Title XII Corporations, ch 156 Business Corporations, §23. This was originally introduced by An Act to enable manufacturing corporations to provide for the representation of their employees on the board of directors (April 3, 1919) Chap. 0070.









  • The case was subsequently settled. See 'Oracle's Chief in Agreement to Settle Insider Trading Lawsuit' (September 12, 2005) NY Times


  • e.g., sponsored by Bernie Sanders, Workplace Democracy Act of 1999, HR 1277, Title III, §301. See further R Cook, 'The Case for Joint Trusteeship of Pension Plans' (2002) WorkingUSA 25. Most recently, the Employees' Pension Security Act of 2008 (HR 5754) §101 would have amended ERISA 1974 §403(a) to insert 'The assets of a pension plan which is a single-employer plan shall be held in trust by a joint board of trustees, which shall consist of two or more trustees representing on an equal basis the interests of the employer or employers maintaining the plan and the interests of the participants and their beneficiaries.'





  • This is vast. See K Kocaoglu, 'A Comparative Bibliography: Regulatory Competition on Corporate Law' (2008) Georgetown University Law Center Working Paper, on SSRN
  • This followed Carnegie's attendance the Commission on Industrial Relations in 1916 to explain labor unrest. See W Greenough, It's My Retirement Money – Take Good Care of It: The TIAA-CREF Story (Irwin 1990) 11–37, and E McGaughey, Participation in Corporate Governance (2014) ch 6(3)



  • PJ Purcell, 'The Enron Bankruptcy and Employer Stock in Retirement Plans' (March 11, 2002) CRS Report for Congress and JH Langbein, SJ Stabile and BA Wolk, Pension and Employee Benefit Law (4th edn Foundation 2006) 640–641



  • per Ginsburg J (dissenting), at page 14 of the dissent 573 US ___ (2014)



  • e.g. DGCL §141(a), "The business and affairs of every corporation organized under this chapter shall be managed by or under the direction of a board of directors, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter or in its certificate of incorporation." California Corporations Code §300(a) Archived November 13, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. NYBCL §701, "Subject to any provision in the certificate of incorporation authorized by ... [the] certificate of incorporation as to control of directors ... the business of a corporation shall be managed under the direction of its board of directors ... " This is a change from an old dictum in Manson v Curtis, 119 NE 559, 562 (NY 1918) where it was said that a director's powers are "original and undelegated". For support for this position, see Johannes Zahn, Wirtschaftsführertum und Vertragsethik im Neuen Aktienrecht 95 (1934) reviewed by Friedrich Kessler (1935) 83 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 393 and Stephen Bainbridge, Director Primacy and Shareholder Disempowerment, 119(6) Harvard Law Review 1735, 1746, fn 59 (2006)
  • Economic Policy Institute, 'More compensation heading to the very top: 1965–2009 Archived November 24, 2011, at the Wayback Machine' (May 16, 2011) Based on data from Wall Street Journal/Mercer, Hay Group 2010.









  • e.g. DGCL §141(a), "The business and affairs of every corporation organized under this chapter shall be managed by or under the direction of a board of directors, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter or in its certificate of incorporation." California Corporations Code §300(a) Archived November 13, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. NYBCL §701, "Subject to any provision in the certificate of incorporation authorized by ... [the] certificate of incorporation as to control of directors ... the business of a corporation shall be managed under the direction of its board of directors ... " This is a change from an old dictum in Manson v Curtis, 119 NE 559, 562 (NY 1918) where it was said that a director's powers are "original and undelegated". For support for this position, see Johannes Zahn, Wirtschaftsführertum und Vertragsethik im Neuen Aktienrecht 95 (1934) reviewed by Friedrich Kessler (1935) 83 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 393 and Stephen Bainbridge, Director Primacy and Shareholder Disempowerment, 119(6) Harvard Law Review 1735, 1746, fn 59 (2006)