Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Uprising in Serbia (1941)" in English language version.
u oslobođenju Banje Koviljače prvi put su zajedno delovali četnici i partizani
Октобар, новембар и почетак децембра 1941. године, протекли су у међусобним борбама четника са шиптарским и муслиманским формацијама.
...Зечевићем и поручником Мартиновићем који су окупили у свој четнички одред неколико стотина људи из тог краја..Њихов одред учествовао је у борби заједно са Рађевским батаљоном и у тој борби је један немачки батаљон био после тешке борбе разбијен и заробљен, и Крупањ ослобођен.
By the end of December 1941 around 4,000 insurgents had been killed in fighting and 35,000 hostages had lost their lives
The Uprising in Serbia during the summer and autumn of 1941 did not inflict serious losses to the German army (approximately 200 German soldiers were killed and 400 were wounded). German documents show the brutality with which the Wehrmacht handled the Serbian rebellion.
The uprising in Serbia during the summer and autumn of 1941 did not inflict serious losses to the German army (approximately 200 German soldiers were killed and 400 were wounded). German documents show the brutality with which the Wehrmacht handled the Serbian rebellion. By the end of December 1941 around 4,000 insurgents had been killed in fighting and 35,000 hostages had lost their lives.