Dean, Bartholomew. "Multiple Regimes of Value: Unequal Exchange and the Circulation of Urarina Palm-Fiber Wealth," Museum Anthropology February 1994, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 3-20 available online (paid subscription)
In Anderson, Myrdene (ed.) Cultural Shaping of Violence: Victimization, Escalation, Response. Purdue University Press;2004 ISBN1-55753-373-3 Chapter 21 reviewed online accessed 5 July 2006
Dean, Bartholomew. "Language, Culture & Power: Intercultural Bilingual Education among the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia," Practicing Anthropology Special Issue: Reversing Language Shift in Indigenous America, Published by the Society for Applied Anthropology. 1999, 20(2):39-43. See online cite, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education[5]
Dean, Bartholomew. "State Power and Indigenous Peoples in Peruvian Amazonia: A Lost Decade, 1990-2000." In The Politics of Ethnicity Indigenous Peoples in Latin American States. Chapter 7, David Maybury-Lewis (ed.) Harvard University Press[3]
Olawsky, Knut (La Trobe University). "Urarina – Evidence for OVS Constituent Order." Leiden Papers in Linguistics 2.2, 43-68. available online accessed 5 July 2006]
Bartholomew Dean 2004 “digital vibes & radio waves in indigenous Peru” in Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights: Legal Obstacles and Innovative Solutions. (ed.) Mary Riley, Contemporary Native American Communities Series, 27-53 New York: Altamira Press, A Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. [2] accessed July 9, 2006
Manus, Ronald and Phyllis Manus. Text and Concordance of words in Urarina Datos Etno-Lingüísticos 65 series, SIL; 1979 available online accessed 5 July 2006.
Dean, Bartholomew and Jerome M. Levi, Eds At the Risk of Being Heard; Identity, Indigenous Rights, and Postcolonial StatesUniversity of Michigan Press;2003 ISBN0-472-09736-9 (Chapter 7: Dean, Bartholomew. At the Margins of Power: Gender Hierarchy and the Politics of Ethnic Mobilization among the Urarina)[6]
Dean, Bartholomew 2009 Urarina Society, Cosmology, and History in Peruvian Amazonia, Gainesville: University Press of Florida ISBN978-0-8130-3378-5[1]