Patrizia Manduchi (11 October 2016). "Un militante antifascista in Tunisia: Velio Spano a Tunisi". Ammentu - Bollettino Storico e Archivistico del Mediterraneo e delle Americhe. 1 (8). Aipsa Edizioni, Cagliari: 63–78. doi:10.19248/ammentu.217.
Velio Spano; П.А.Шибаев; Vijay Singh; Tahir Asghar (28 December 1949). "The Discussion between Velio Spano and P.A. Shibayev on the Situation in the People's Republic of China". Notes of the conversation between P.A. SHIBAYEV, the Charge d’Affaires of the USSR in the People’s Republic of China and Velio Spano, Member of the Communist Party of Italy. The briefing, lasting approximately three hours, appears to have been delivered by Spano in French. A Russian language version was forwarded through Soviet diplomatic channels to Stalin and other members of the Soviet politburo in Moscow. The English language version cited here is a translation from the Russian version. Revolutionary Democracy, New Delhi. Retrieved 7 July 2022.
"Velio Spano". Scheda di attività. Senato della Repubblica, Roma. Retrieved 3 July 2022.
Marco Finetti (10 June 1994). "Die Affäre Matteotti". Die italienischen Neofaschisten, jetzt erstmals in der Regierung, halten Benito Mussolini für einen der größten Staatsmänner des Jahrhunderts. Vor siebzig Jahren aber – nach der Ermordung des sozialistischen Oppositionsführers – steckte der Faschismus in seiner schwersten Krise. An ihrem Ende steht jedoch nicht der Rücktritt Mussolinis, sondern der Beginn seiner Diktatur. Die Zeit (online). Retrieved 3 July 2022.