Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Vermont Progressive Party" in English language version.
The Vermont Progressive Party is a competitive third party that currently provides a visible democratic socialist presence in the state's politics.
We believe the economy should be democratically owned and controlled
In addition, some notable examples of social democratic third-party success at the subnational level are the Socialist Party in Oklahoma in the 1920s and 1930s, the Non-Partisan League in North Dakota, the Washington Co-operative Commonwealth in Washington State, the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party, and the current Vermont Progressive Party, which has relationship with the Democratic Party.
In addition, some notable examples of social democratic third-party success at the subnational level are the Socialist Party in Oklahoma in the 1920s and 1930s, the Non-Partisan League in North Dakota, the Washington Co-operative Commonwealth in Washington State, the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party, and the current Vermont Progressive Party, which has relationship with the Democratic Party.