Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Vietnam Airlines" in English language version.
Vietnam Airlines yesterday signed a firm agreement with Boeing to purchase four 787-8s at a signing ceremony in Washington.
Boeing finalized Dubai Aerospace Enterprise's 100-aircraft order valued at $10.9 billion and also officially completed a $2 billion order for 12 787-8s from Vietnam Airlines and Vietnam Aircraft Leasing Co., pushing its total 2007 commercial aircraft orders to well over 1,300, a single-year record.
Air Lease Corp. (ALC) has purchased eight Boeing 787-9s, which it will lease to Vietnam Airlines, the lessor announced Monday.
Etihad Airways has announced a codeshare agreement with Vietnam Airlines (VN), effective Oct. 30. The agreement will allow Etihad's passengers to connect through Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi on VN's daily services. VN passengers will be able to connect through Bangkok to Etihad's base in Abu Dhabi.
Vietnam Airlines has cancelled plans to buy two Airbus A310s because of a US trade embargo on the country, a Vietnamese Government official has said in Hanoi. The A310 uses US engines.
The carrier would like one or two more Boeing 767s. It already operates three 767s, two of which are leased from Ansett (AWAS) and one from Region Air.
VIETNAM AIRLINES [VN] (HVN) Gialem Airport, Hanoi, Vietnam.
In its Decision 952/QD-TTg dated 23 June 2010, the Government says it still owns Vietnam Airlines Company Limited (Vietnam Airlines), which is headquartered at 200 Nguyen Son Street in Long Bien District, Hanoi City.
The 919 Transport Air Force Regiment, which was established on May 1, 1959, was the first military transport aviation unit of Vietnam. By 1995, it was changed to the Flight Crew Division 919 under Vietnam Airlines.
Bước ngoặt lớn diễn ra vào năm 1993, khi Đoàn bay 919 trở thành đơn vị trực thuộc Hãng hàng không quốc gia Vietnam Airlines, chuyển sang giai đoạn phát triển mới với bước nhảy vọt về trình độ. Các sĩ quan không quân trong Đoàn bay đều chuyển sang ngành dân sự.[The big turning point came in 1993, when Flight Crew 919 became a unit under Vietnam Airlines, entering a new stage of development with a leap in qualifications. All Air Force Officers in the unit have transferred to the civilian sector.]
Vietnam Airlines has cancelled plans to buy two Airbus A310s because of a US trade embargo on the country, a Vietnamese Government official has said in Hanoi. The A310 uses US engines.
The carrier would like one or two more Boeing 767s. It already operates three 767s, two of which are leased from Ansett (AWAS) and one from Region Air.
Vietnam Airlines yesterday signed a firm agreement with Boeing to purchase four 787-8s at a signing ceremony in Washington.
Boeing finalized Dubai Aerospace Enterprise's 100-aircraft order valued at $10.9 billion and also officially completed a $2 billion order for 12 787-8s from Vietnam Airlines and Vietnam Aircraft Leasing Co., pushing its total 2007 commercial aircraft orders to well over 1,300, a single-year record.
Air Lease Corp. (ALC) has purchased eight Boeing 787-9s, which it will lease to Vietnam Airlines, the lessor announced Monday.
In its Decision 952/QD-TTg dated 23 June 2010, the Government says it still owns Vietnam Airlines Company Limited (Vietnam Airlines), which is headquartered at 200 Nguyen Son Street in Long Bien District, Hanoi City.
VIETNAM AIRLINES [VN] (HVN) Gialem Airport, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Etihad Airways has announced a codeshare agreement with Vietnam Airlines (VN), effective Oct. 30. The agreement will allow Etihad's passengers to connect through Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi on VN's daily services. VN passengers will be able to connect through Bangkok to Etihad's base in Abu Dhabi.
Vietnam Airlines has cancelled plans to buy two Airbus A310s because of a US trade embargo on the country, a Vietnamese Government official has said in Hanoi. The A310 uses US engines.
VIETNAM AIRLINES [VN] (HVN) Gialem Airport, Hanoi, Vietnam.