a highly apologetic source claims that Pradera refused to engage in corruption practices, see Guinea Suárez 1953. Contemporary scholars suggest there was no corruption involved and he rather considered it immoral to finance his own campaign, see Carballo 2013, p. 101; ABC 04.09.86 claims he was defeated, see here
Apart from being “an unknown and forgotten man”, nowadays, see Jorge Trías Sagnier, De Pradera a Companys, [in:] ABC 25.10.04, available here
David Soto Carrasco, Víctor Pradera: políticas viejas para un estado nuevo, available here
and containing articles published in Acción Española throughout 1934, José Luis Orella Martínez, Víctor Pradera; un intelectual entre los ismos de una época, [in:] Navarra: memoria e imagen vol. 2, Pamplona 2006, ISBN8477681791. Available also here
José Miguel de Mayoralgo y Lodo, Movimiento Nobiliario 1936, available here
many authors invoke Pradera against the fascist background, indicate similarities, and apply fascistoid qualifications, but stop just short of naming him fascist, see Enrique Moradiellos, Evangelios fascistas, [in:] Revista de Libros 12 (2014), p. 30, Olábarri Gortázar 1988, p. 323, Ernesto Mila, Renovación Española y Acción Española, la “derecha fascista española”, [in:] Revista de Historia del Fascismo, 2 (2011), María Cruz Mina Apat, Elecciones y partidos políticos en Navarra (1891-1923), [in:] J. L. García-Delgado (ed.), La España de la Restauración: política, economía, legislación y cultura), Madrid 1985, ISBN8432305111, 9788432305115, pp. 120-121, S. Fernandez Viguera, Ideologia de Raimundo Garcia ‘Garcilaso’ en torno al tema foral, [in:] Principe de Viana 47 (1986), pp. 511-531. Only in unrestrained cyberspace Pradera is plainly called fascist, compare here. There are also many scholars who highlight what they consider fundamental differences between Pradera and fascism, see Orella Martínez 2006, pp. 257-268, Fernando del Rey Reguillo, Manuel Álvarez Tardío, The Spanish Second Republic Revisited: From Democratic Hopes to the Civil War (1931-1936), Madrid 2012, ISBN9781845194598, pp. 250-251, Carballo 2013, pp. 126-131, Martin Blinkhorn, Fascists & Conservatives. The radical Right and the establishment in twentieth-century Europe, London 2003, ISBN9781134997121, p. 126, Jacek Bartyzel, Tradycjonalizm (hiszpański) wobec faszyzmu, hitleryzmu i totalitaryzmu, [in:] Pro Fide Rege et Lege 71 (2013), p. 26
some authors claim he gave up business in 1902, see Orella Martínez 2000, p. 17, though he was reported as engaged as late as 1904, see Madrid Científico 1904, p. 19, available here
there were penal proceedings launched against Pradera for assaulting “agentes de la autoridad”, see La Época 22.01.00, available here
Estornés Zubizarreta, Victor Pradera Larumbe. The background of this conflict remains unknown, though there are some suggestions in Luis M.a de Zavala y Fernández de Heredia (ed.), La sociedad vasca del siglo XIX en la correspondencia del Archivo de la Casa de Zavala, Lasarte 2008, ISBN9788496288706, p. 67: “Siendo tildado su mandato como personalista, en 1910 expulsó a Víctor Pradera del Partido por indisciplina”; Juan Ramón de Andrés Martín, Precendentes del proyecto ultraderechista mellista en el periodo 1900-1912, [in:] Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia, 202 (2005), p. 125 approaches this conflict as a pre-Mellist controversy; the press communique does not go into details, see El Imparcial 05.05.10, available here
following personal meeting with Don Jaime in San Jean de Luz in May 1912, see La correspondencia militar 14.05.12, available here
as substitute of de Mella, who refused to stand, El Siglo Futuro 08.02.18, available here
Carballo 2013, p. 102 does not specify whether Pradera ran on Jaimist or Mellist ticket; according to La Correspondencia de España 21.05.19 available here the national Carlist political leader Pascual Comín disauthorised Pradera as a Mellist
he was reported by the contemporary press as fielding his candidacy, but it is unclear whether he actually ran, see El Globo 24.12.20 available here
Blinkhorn 1975, p. 186; full pronouncement of the Tribunal in Memoria elevada al Gobierno de la Republica, Madrid 1934, available here, see also his own explanation as produced during a public meeting here
Boletin Oficial del Estado 18.07.49, available here
Carballo 2013, p. 101; Rafael Castela Santos, La ejemplar muerte del diputado carlista Víctor Pradera en 1936, [in:] A casa de Sarto, 13.10.05, available here
some sources prefer the “Larrumbe” spelling, see the official Cortes service here
see his entry at Indice Historico de Diputados, available here
this time as an official Carlist candidate, see Indice Historico de Diputados available here
Guinea Suárez 1953, Orella Martínez 2000, p. 14, LARUMBE ITURRALDE, Ángel entry at Gran Enciclopedia Navarra online available here[permanent dead link]
Guinea Suárez 1953, Orella Martínez 2000, p. 14, also Idioia Estornés Zubizarreta, Victor Pradera Larumbe entry at Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here
Carlos Guinea Suárez, Víctor Pradera, (series Temas españoles, n. 37), Madrid 1953, available here
Blinkhorn 1975, p. 186; full pronouncement of the Tribunal in Memoria elevada al Gobierno de la Republica, Madrid 1934, available here, see also his own explanation as produced during a public meeting here
some authors consider him a co-founder of Bloque Nacional, see Eduardo Palomar Baró, Victor Pradera Larumbe (1873-1936) entry at generalisimofranco site available here, García Venero 1970, p. 72
some sources claim it was on August 2, Pedro Barruso, Verano y la revolución. La Guerra Civil en Gipuzkoa, [in:] gipuzkoa1936 service, available here
though it is not clear whether he served only one term or was re-elected, Estornés Zubizarreta, Victor Pradera Larumbe, see also Gestión de Las Diputaciones available here[permanent dead link]
he owned shares of a number of San Sebastián companies, see Felix Luengo Teixidor, Crecimiento económico y cambio social. Guipuscoa 1917-1923, Bilbao 1990, ISBN9788460073741, p. 353, Ángel García-Sanz Marcotegui, Elites económicas y políticas en la Restauración, a diversidad de las derechas navarras [in:] Historia contemporánea 23 (2001), p. 602; apart from Papeleria Española the company identified was Cooperativa Eléctrica Donostiarra, see Juan Antonio Saez García, Infrastructuras de servicios urbanos, [in:] Geografia e historia de Donostia-San Sebastián, available here
José Luis Orella, Victor Pradera, el asesinato de un vocal del Tribunal de Garantias Constitutionales, [in:] La Razón 06.01.21, available here
some claim they were named "praderistas" at the time, see the Partido Carlista version available hereArchived 2015-06-26 at the Wayback Machine
or simply “authoritarian”, Iker Cantabrana Morras, Lo viejo y lo nuevo: Díputación-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinámica política de la "leal" Alava (Primera parte: 1936-1938), [in:] Sancho el Sabio 21 (2004), p. 170, also Agustín José Menéndez, Shifting legal dogma: From Republicanism to Fascist Ideology under the Early Franquismo, [in:] Arena working papers 20 (2000), available here
but with 27 votes gained he lost to Fernando Gasset Lacasaña, who got 262, Salvador Belles, El alcalde que o quiso ser embajador, available here
some claim they were named "praderistas" at the time, see the Partido Carlista version available hereArchived 2015-06-26 at the Wayback Machine
Pradera is sometimes considered one of the founding fathers of navarrismo, see Juan María Sánchez-Prieto, Garcia-Sanz, Iriarte, Mikelarena, Historia del navarrismo (1841-1936) [review], [in:] Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos 48 (2003), p. 732; the author claims that Pradera is fundamental to change in Navarrese perception of their enemies: before it was the Spanish state, after it was the Basque nationalism; Roldán Jimeno Aranguren, Los derechos históricos en la renovación del régimen autonómico de Navarra (2004-2006), [in:] Revista interdisciplinar de estudios histórico-jurídicos, 15 (2007/8), p. 344