Lawson, James L.; Uhlenbeck, George E., eds. (1950) [Preface written in November 1949]. "Preface". Threshold Signals. MIT Radiation Laboratory series. Vol. 24. Cambridge, MA: McGraw-Hill Book.
郭少峰 (September 7, 2010). 清华大学首位女教授王明贞去世. 新京报 [The Beijing News] (in Chinese (China)). Retrieved August 6, 2018.
Wu Ta-You (April 2001) [n.d. for the original speech]. 早期的物理學機構 [Early physics institutes]. In 沈君山; Wu Ta-You Foundation (eds.). 早期中國物理發展的回憶 [Memoirs of early development of Chinese physics] (speech transcript) (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Organizers: 黃偉彥, 葉銘漢, 戴念祖. Taipei: 聯經出版事業 [Linking Publishing]. p. 82. ISBN9570822171.
It was reported that Lu Shijia was employed by Tsinghua as a research fellow in the late 1940s, as it was not permitted to hire couple as professors. Her husband was Zhang Wei [zh][7]
杨笛 [Yang Di] (January 2016). 冲破科学的性别樊篱 [Breaking through the Barriers of Science and Gender]. Collection of Women's Studies (in Chinese (China)) (133). ISSN1004-2563.