Wei Yan (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Wei Yan" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
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2nd place
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121st place
142nd place
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2,798th place
4,271st place
120th place
125th place






  • de Crespigny (2007), p. 857. de Crespigny, Rafe (2007). A Biographical Dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23-220 AD). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-15605-0.
  • 黄其军. 三国史话 (in Chinese). DeepLogic. p. 63. Retrieved 17 January 2022. 刘备派遣黄忠、魏延等分统军队平定广汉郡,立下战功。214 年,魏延随刘备攻克益州重镇雒城,并与诸葛亮、张飞等人一起包围并占领了成都。镇守汉中扬威名。219 年,刘备在沔阳自称汉中王,定都于成都,主力回撤后必须留大将镇守汉中。
  • Sima (1084), vols. 66–67. Sima, Guang (1084). "9.-68. Han Dynasty". Zizhi Tongjian: records of Han Dynasty. Deeplogic.
  • 杨得志; 洪寿祥; 贺捷生 (1992). 中国军事大辞典 Volume 2 [Chinese Military Dictionary, Volume 2] (Military art and science -- Dictionaries -- Chinese -- China) (in Chinese). 海南出版社. p. 1552. ISBN 9787805901060. Retrieved 20 January 2022. 《資治通鑑》卷六十八胡三省註:「牙門、鎮遠,皆劉備創置將軍號
  • 李学勤 (Li Xueqin) (1995). 傳世藏書: 三国志, 晋书 (Handed down collections: Three Kingdoms, Jinshu) (in Chinese). 海南国际新闻出版中心 (Hainan International Press and Publication Center ). p. 380, (以部曲隨先主入蜀,數有戰功,遷牙門將軍。) Sanguozhi vol. 40. Retrieved 15 January 2022. 魏延字文长,义阳人也。以部曲随先主入蜀,数有战功,迁牙门将军。先主为汉中王,迁治成都,当得重将以镇汉川,众论以为必在张飞,飞亦以心自许。
  • Sima (1084), vol. 68. Sima, Guang (1084). "9.-68. Han Dynasty". Zizhi Tongjian: records of Han Dynasty. Deeplogic.
  • 陳禹謨 (1992). 駢志 (hardcover) (Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Chinese) (in Chinese). 上海古籍出版社. ISBN 9787532511105. Retrieved 20 January 2022. ....亮每次伐魏,延輛請別將萬人出子午谷為奇兵,徑襲長安,亮終不許,由是為延所 o 卿以重任,卿居之,欲云何?』延對曰:『若曹操舉天下而來,請為大王拒之;偏將十萬之眾至,請為大王吞之。張飛,飛亦以心自許,先主乃拔延為督漢中、鎮遠將軍,領漢中『太守·一軍盡驚。.... Sanguozhi
  • 张东 (2016). 阳平关口说三分 (ebook) (in Chinese). BEIJING BOOK CO. INC. p. (初,先主留魏延鎮漢中,皆實兵諸圍以禦外敵,敵若來攻,使不得入。(At the beginning, the First Sovereign stayed in the Weiyan town of Hanzhong, all surrounded by troops to defend against foreign enemies. If the enemy came to attack, they would not be able to enter.) Sanguozhi vol. 44. ISBN 9787551813679. Retrieved 20 January 2022.
  • Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, Liaoning Federation of Philosophy and Social Sciences Societies, 辽宁 社会 科学院, 辽宁省 哲学 社会 科学 学会 联合会 (1989). 社会科学辑刊 Volumes 60-65 [Journal of Social Sciences - Volumes 60-65] (in Chinese). 沈阳市邮政局 (Shenyang Post Office ). p. 77. Retrieved 17 January 2022.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Sima (1084), vol. 69. Sima, Guang (1084). "9.-68. Han Dynasty". Zizhi Tongjian: records of Han Dynasty. Deeplogic.
  • 洪武雄 (Hong Wuxiong) (2008). 蜀漢政治制度史考論 [A Textual Research on the History of the Political System of Shu and Han] (China -- History -- Three kingdoms, 220-265 -- Politics and government -- 221 B.C.-960 A.D., China -- Politics and government, China -- Politics and government -- History -- Three kingdoms, 220-265, China / History / Three kingdoms, 220-265, China / Politics and government / 220-589, China -- Politics and government -- 220-589 -- History -- Three kingdoms, 220-265). 文津出版有限公司 (Wenjin Publishing Co). p. 369. ISBN 9789576688515. Retrieved 21 January 2022. 先主踐尊號,進拜鎮北將軍
  • Sima (1084), vol. 70. Sima, Guang (1084). "9.-68. Han Dynasty". Zizhi Tongjian: records of Han Dynasty. Deeplogic.
  • (Zhang Xiufeng) (2013). 歷史的羅生門 (Young Adult Nonfiction / Comics & Graphic Novels / History, China -- Anecdotes -- History -- Biography) (in Chinese). 新潮社文化事業有限公司(Xinchaoshe Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd. ). p. 34. ISBN 9789863162995. Retrieved 21 January 2022. 建興元年,封都亭侯
  • 林文月; 莊信正; 蔡宗齊 (2013). Xu, Youfang (ed.). 國際漢學研究趨勢:鄭清茂教授八秩華誕祝壽論文集下冊 [Trends in International Sinology Research: Professor Zheng Qingmao's Eighth Rank Birthday Essay Collection Volume 2] (Reference / General, Scholars -- Biography -- Taiwan, Chinese literature -- History and criticism) (in Chinese). Airiti Press. p. 192. ISBN 9789860363333. Retrieved 18 January 2022. 達得亮書,數相交通,辭欲叛魏... 亮亦以達無款誠之心,故不救助也。」同前註,卷 41,頁 1016。 27 裴松之注引《魏略》曰:「夏侯楙為安西將軍,鎮長安,亮於南鄭與群下計議,延曰:『聞夏侯楙少,主婿也,怯而無謀。今假延精兵五千, 今假延精兵五千,負糧五千,直從褒中出,循秦嶺而東,當子午而北,不過十日可到長安.... 京兆太守耳,橫門邸閣與散民之穀足周食也。比東方相合聚,尚二十許日.... 从斜谷来,必足以达。如此,则一举而咸阳以西可定矣。;Vol. 41, p. 1016. 27 Pei Songzhi's commentary quoted "Wei Lue"
  • Sima (1084), vol. 71. Sima, Guang (1084). "9.-68. Han Dynasty". Zizhi Tongjian: records of Han Dynasty. Deeplogic.
  • 二十五史: 三國志集解六十五卷 (Twenty-five Histories: Anthology of the Three Kingdoms in Sixty-five Volumes) (China -- History) (in Chinese) (reprint ed.). 藝文印書舘 (Art Press). 1956. Retrieved 21 January 2022. (又國不置史,注記無官,是以行事多遺,灾異靡書。諸葛亮雖達於為政,凡此之類,猶有未周焉。) Sanguozhi vol. 32.
  • Shi 2020, p. Records of the Three Kingdoms, compiled by Chen Shou in 289; Sanguozhi vol. 40. Pei Songzhi's annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 45....; 八年,使延西入羌中,魏後將軍費瑤、雍州刺史郭淮與延戰于陽谿,延大破淮等,Sanguozhi vol. 40.. Shi, Li (2020). History of Three Kingdoms 二十四史三国志. DeepLogic. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  • Shi 2020, p. (三國志, Sānguó Zhì), compiled by Chen Shou 陳壽 in 289; (建興八年,與魏延入南安界,破魏將費瑤,) Pei Songzhi's annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 45. Shi, Li (2020). History of Three Kingdoms 二十四史三国志. DeepLogic. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  • 中國人民解放军. 武汉部队. 司令部. 軍事资料研究组 (People's Liberation Army. Wuhan Army. Headquarters. Military Data Research Group ) (1979). 中國古代戰争一百例 [One Hundred Cases of Ancient Chinese Wars] (Subject: Battles -- China, China -- History, Military) (in Chinese). China: 湖北人民出版社. p. 329. Retrieved 18 January 2022. 漢晉春秋曰: ... 五月辛巳,乃使張郃攻无當監何平於南圍,自案中道向亮。亮使魏延、高翔、吳班赴拒,大破之,獲甲首三千級、玄鎧五千領、角弩三千一百張,宣王還保營
  • Shi, Li. The Military History of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasty (ebook). deeplogic. Retrieved 18 January 2022. Three kingdoms vol 35 Zhuge Liang biography;Pei Songzhi annotation of Xi Zuochi Hanjin Chunqiu from in Sanguozhi vol. 35.
  • 诸葛亮研究. 巴蜀书社, 成都市诸葛亮研究会(Zhuge Liang research center in Chengdu). 1985. p. 63. Retrieved 17 January 2022. 吴班赴拒,大破之,获甲首三千级,玄铠五十领,角弩三千一百张,宣王还保营。( 54 )从上所述,证实郭冲说的诸葛亮"杀张郃,却宣王"是可信的,只不过这两件事有先有后,不是"一战"取得的。至于《晋书》所载: " (宣)帝攻拔其围,亮弯道,追击破之,俘斩万计。
  • 李慕如 (2004). 文學與人生 [Literature and Life] (Conduct of life, Literature -- History and criticism) (in Chinese). 五南圖書出版股份有限公司. p. 21. ISBN 9789571134611. Retrieved 20 January 2022. (,直詐延曰:「夫麒麟有角而不用,此不戰而賊欲自破之象也。」) Sanguozhi vol. 40.
  • 沈伯俊 (Shen Bojun) (2018). Shen Bojun on the Three Kingdoms: 2 volumes (ebook) (Literary Criticism / Ancient & Classical, Literary Criticism / Asian / Chinese, Electronic books) (in Chinese). 西南交通大学出版社 (Beijing Book Co. Inc. ). pp. (延旣善養士卒,勇猛過人,又性矜高,當時皆避下之。) Sanguozhi vol. 40. ISBN 9787564364403. Retrieved 21 January 2022.
  • 姚季農 (1966). 諸葛亮: 歷史平話 (in Chinese). 姚秉凡. p. 179. Retrieved 20 January 2022. ... 可是,魏略又這樣說:「諸葛亮病,謂延等云:我之死後,但謹自守,慎勿復來也。令延攝行已事,密持喪去,延遂匿之,行至褒口,乃發喪。Weilüe annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 40.
  • 杨耀坤; 伍野春; 南京大学. 中国思想家研究中心 (1998). 陈寿裴松之评传 [A Biography of Chen Shou and Pei Song] (hardcover) (Historians -- Biography -- China, Historiography, Chinese -- Biography) (in Chinese). 南京大学出版社 / Nanjing University Press. ISBN 978-7-305-03268-4. Retrieved 20 January 2022. (臣松之以為此蓋敵國傳聞之言,不得與本傳爭審。) Pei Songzhi's annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 40.
  • 嚴耕望 (Yang Gengwang); 中央研究院. 歷史語言研究所 (Academia Sinica. Institute of History and Linguistics) (1985). 唐代交通圖考 Volume 4 (Tang Dynasty Traffic Map Examination, Volume 4) (Communication and traffic -- History -- China) (in Chinese). 中央研究院歷史語言研究所 (Institute of History and Linguistics, Academia Sinica ). p. 909. Retrieved 22 January 2022. (維聞鍾會諸軍已入漢中,引退還。欣等追躡於彊川口,大戰,維敗走。) Sanguozhi vol. 28.
  • 黄其军. 三国史话 (in Chinese). DeepLogic. p. 203. Retrieved 17 January 2022. 间三国"24 将"里排名第 20 位,武艺高强勿庸置疑,自从跟随刘备之后就一直忠心耿耿,是一名不可多得的将才。但最终谋反的结局令人意外,惨遭被杀也令人痛惜,《三国志·蜀书》和《资治通鉴》有其记载。此一回书评就来看看这魏延的故事。
  • Roberts, Moss; Guanzhong, Luo (2004). Roberts, Moss; S. Service, John (eds.). Three Kingdoms, A Historical Novel Complete and Unabridged (paperback) (Novel, historical novel, Historical Fiction, War story). Translated by Moss Roberts. University of California Press. p. 403. ISBN 9780520224780. Retrieved 20 January 2022.
  • Chaoju, Zhang (2019). 曹操3:铜雀春深 Volume 3 (ebook) (in Chinese). 百花洲文艺出版社. ISBN 9787550031944. Retrieved 10 January 2022.



  • "奇葩歷史 魏延簡傳, 魏延之子". 2021. Retrieved 5 December 2021. 此「重門之計」並非重於城門的防守,而是於漢中險要之地,東、南、北門、等各路關口、隘口,設下大型防禦工事,皆以強將銳卒守御,工事中弩兵可強弩齊發,隘口下可輕騎疾行,並可相互救援、接應,以精銳部隊防禦反擊的策略。(五年,諸葛亮駐漢中,更以延為督前部,領丞相司馬、涼州刺史, ...) Sanguozhi vol. 40.


  • jiuwan (Giao Chau) (2003). "Yang Yi (Weigong) 楊儀 (威公)". Kongming archives. Retrieved 20 January 2022. Translated from Chen Shou's Records of the Three Kingdoms annotated by Pei Songzhi






  • Ziyan, Zhu (2014). "Injustice to Wei Yan (魏延的千古奇冤)". quilishi (in Chinese). Retrieved 20 January 2022. 诸葛亮亲自指定了接班人,蒋琬、费袆、姜维。但是魏延的官职、功劳要比他们个人大得多,诸葛亮打击魏延,排挤魏延是为他的接班人扫除障碍,去掉绊脚石



  • "(40.6) Wèi Yán 魏延 [Wéncháng 文長]". 2019. Retrieved 4 January 2022. 先主為漢中王,遷治成都,當得重將以鎮漢川,衆論以為必在張飛,飛亦以心自許。先主乃拔延為督漢中鎮遠將軍,領漢中太守,一軍盡驚。) Sanguozhi vol. 40.

