Diplomata Belgica, 3973. MGH DD Otto I, nr.316, pp.429-431.
1146 confirmation of the charter is Diplomata Belgica1613: Hemptinne, T. de, A. Verhulst and L. De Mey eds, De oorkonden der graven van Vlaanderen (Juli 1128 - September 1191), Uitgave 2, Band 1 (Brussels 1988) nr. 95, 155-157; = Piot ed. Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Trond, 1, 72. There is also a complementary narrative record of the grant: Gestorum Abbatem Trudonensium Continuatio Tertia, 3.12-3.14, years 964-972, Koepke ed., 379; = de Borman ed. 131; = Lavigne trans. 221.
Vanderkindere (1902, pp. 137, 248–9) believed the charter was from 953. The charter can be found in Halkin and Roland eds, Stavelot-Malmédy, nr.74 169-171 = Wampach, C., ed., Urkunden- und Quellenbuch zur Geschichte der altluxemburgischen Territorien bis zur burgundischen Zeit, 1 (Luxembourg 1935) nr.167, 213-216; Oppermann, O., Rheinische Urkundenstudien, 1: Die kölnisch-niederrheinischen Urkunden (Bonn 1922) 201-202. Also see Verdonk, Alzey-Zutphen, 73 note 481. Vanderkindere, Léon (1902), "Chapter 10", La formation territoriale des principautés belges au Moyen Age(PDF), vol. 2, pp. 159–183