Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "White Croats" in English language version.
По данным ср.-век. письм. источников и топонимии, хорваты локализуются на северо-западе Балкан (предки совр. хорватов); на части земель в бассейнах верхнего течения Эльбы, Вислы, Одры, возможно, и Моравы (белые хорваты, по-видимому, в значении "западные"); на северо-востоке Прикарпатья (отчасти и в Закарпатье).
Сформировались на основе вост.-слав. населения 7–9 вв. (хорваты, или белые хорваты), вошедшего в 10 в.
There were different theories to explain the presence of Rusyns. In his The settlements, economy and history of the Rusyns of Subcarpathia (1923) A. Hodinka wondered if Russians arrived before the Magyars, at the same time or later? Were they White Croats? Slavs who mixed with nomad Vlachs?
In the opinion of some scholars, the ancestors of the Lemkos were the White Croatians, who settled the Carpathian region between the seventh and tenth centuries.
the names of the pan-Slavic totemic ancestral figures: Kloukas corresponds to the Czech Krok and to the Polish Krak—the raven—and Lobelos is a male counterpart of the Czech Libuše and the Kievan Lybed'—the swan. The distorted form of these names probably appeared in Constantine's treatise because of the thirdhand or even fourth-hand nature of the information, which was ultimately derived from the Croatian historical tradition, but reached Constantine through several intermediary sources. Nevertheless, the Croatian material is the earliest evidence available for the names of pan-Slavic totemic heroes.
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: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)Srbin, Plural Srbi: "Serbe", wird zum urslawischen *sirbŭ "Genosse" gestellt und ist somit slawischen Ursprungs41. Hrvat "Kroate", ist iranischer Herkunft, über urslawisches *chŭrvatŭ aus altiranischem *(fšu-)haurvatā, "Viehhüter"42.
...The interpretation of Carolingian finds from Croatia and adjacent areas seems more probable in such a context. This does not negate early medieval migrations, which surely have occurred, but not as a single closed event in a fixed moment of time and, apparently, not at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. Neither the material, nor the written sources support that. The Carolingian influence on early medieval Croatia was quite considerable and quite important, as was shown by the exhibition "Croats and Carolingians" in 2000/2001. For the formation of early medieval Croat identity and their ethnogenesis it was possibly the key element. However, it had hardly anything to do with the presumed migration of the Croats.
As for the issue of the genesis of the practice of burial under stone slabs and why this rite was widespread mainly in the western part of Ukraine, with the exception of the under the slab cemetery in Buky, Kyiv region, no clear answer exists. There are several main hypotheses among researchers. They were identified first as separate categories by S. Pyvovarov: 1. Social and material – O. Ratych, J. Kalaga, M. Hanuliak (Ratič 1976, 176–177; Hanuliak 1979; Kalaga 2014, 136); 2. Ethnic, which suggests belonging of this type of burial to the tribes of Tyvertsi – B. Tymoshchuk, V. Siedov, V. Voinarovskyi (Timoŝuk 1969, 56; Sedov 1982, 128; Vojnarovsʹkij 1992, 41–42), Croats – E. Timofieiev, V. Petehyrych, O. Motsia (Timofeev 1961, 69; Petegirič 1990, 73; Mocâ 1994, 31), Croats-Tivertsi – I. Voznyi (Voznij 2009, 365), late Croats-Halychans – B. Tomenchuk (Tomenčuk 2006, 110); 3. Pagan – V. Petehyrych and O. Motsia (Petegirič 1990, 73; Mocâ 1994, 31); 4. Evolution-functional – B. Tomenchuk (Tomenčuk 2006, 110); 5. Christianization – S. Pyvovarov, S. Mayarchak (Pivovarov 2006, 169–171; Maârčak 2018, 278–280).
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: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of November 2024 (link)They are believed to be the ancestors of certain Ukrainians, specifically the Hutsuls...
The Boikos are believed to be the descendants of the ancient Slavic tribe of White Croatians that came under the rule of the Kyivan Rus' state during the reign of Prince Volodymyr the Great. Before the Magyars occupied the Danube Lowland this tribe served as a direct link between the Eastern and Southern Slavs.Article from Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Vol. 1. University of Toronto Press. 1984. ISBN 978-0-8020-3362-8.
The Slavic White Croatians inhabited the region in the first millennium AD; with the rise of Kyivan Rus', they became vassals of the new state.
Їх часто необґрунтовано називають також "білими хорватами". Це пов'язано з тим, що східноєвроп. Х. помилково ототожнюють з "хорватами білими" (згадуються в недатованій частині "Повісті временних літ" в одному ряду із сербами й хорутанами) та "білохорватами" (фігурують у трактаті візант. імп. Константина VII Багрянородного "Про управління імперією"); насправді в обох випадках ідеться про слов'ян. племена на Балканах – предків населення сучасної Хорватії... єдине з літописних племен, для котрого "Повість временних літ" не вказує територію розселення. Локалізація Х. у Прикарпатті та, можливо, Закарпатті базується на двох підставах: 1) у цих регіонах у 8—10 ст. поширені пам'ятки райковецької культури, притаманної всім східнослов'ян. племенам Правобережжя в зазначений час; 2) ця частина ареалу райковецької к-ри лежить поза межами розселення ін. літописних племен, згаданих у "Повісті временних літ". Гомогенність райковецьких старожитностей, які не членуються на відносно чіткі локальні варіанти, не дає змоги конкретизувати кордони Х. та їхніх сусідів (волинян/бужан на пн. та пн. сх., уличів на пд. сх. і тиверців на пд.). Певною особливістю райковецьких пам'яток Прикарпаття є поширеність городищ-сховищ, що були одночасно сакральними центрами (мали капища та "довгі будинки"-контини, призначені для общинних бенкетів-братчин).
Гадають, що Б. – нащадки давнього слов'ян. племені білих хорватів, яких Володимир Святославич приєднав до Київської Русі
Г. – нащадки давніх слов'ян. племен – білих хорватів, тиверців й уличів, які в 10 ст. входили до складу Київської Русі ... Питання походження назви "гуцули" остаточно не з'ясоване. Найпоширеніша гіпотеза – від волоського слова "гоц" (розбійник), на думку ін., від слова "кочул" (пастух).
Носіями Р.к. були літописні племена – поляни, уличі, древляни, волиняни, бужани, хорвати, тиверці.
З'являються на рубежі 2-ї пол. 1 тис., замінюючи безкурганні поховання (крім територій уличів, тіверців і хорватів).
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: CS1 maint: ignored ISBN errors (link)Mnogi povjesničari, filozofi, etnolozi i antropolozi navode da su Hrvati iz svoje izakarpatske prapostojbine u današnje domovine donijeli jedino svoju tradicijsku kulturu. Odjeci te kulture opažaju se u suvremenim zapisima obrednih lirskih pjesama koje su pjevale Kolede, Ladarice, Kraljice, Dodole (Prporuše, Preporuše) kao i u obrednim pjesmama koje su se izvodile uz Božić, Jurjevdan (23. travnja), Ivandan (24. lipnja) i dr.
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: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of November 2024 (link)Trans.: Proceeding from the above, Transcarpathian Croats and Croats lived near Dniester and San Rivers would be more correct to call Carpathian Croats, as Ya. Isayevich suggested, and not White Croats, as most Ukrainian and Russian authors write. White Croats were located in the upper reaches of the Vistula and Oder, in Saala and White Elster, where S. Panteleich sought out entire areas that still enjoyed autonomy in the 14th–15th centuries, and the remnants of toponymy.
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: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)Plemena u Zahumlju, Paganiji, Travuniji i Konavlima Porfirogenit naziva Srbima,28 razdvajajuči pritom njihovo političko od etničkog bića.29 Ovakvo tumačenje verovatno nije najsrećnije jer za Mihaila Viševića, kneza Zahumljana, kaže da je poreklom sa Visle od roda Licika,30 a ta je reka isuviše daleko od oblasti Belih Srba i gde bi pre trebalo očekivati Bele Hrvate. To je prva indicija koja ukazuje da je srpsko pleme možda bilo na čelu većeg saveza slovenskih plemena koja su sa njim i pod vrhovnim vodstvom srpskog arhonta došla na Balkansko poluostrvo.
Srbin, Plural Srbi: "Serbe", wird zum urslawischen *sirbŭ "Genosse" gestellt und ist somit slawischen Ursprungs41. Hrvat "Kroate", ist iranischer Herkunft, über urslawisches *chŭrvatŭ aus altiranischem *(fšu-)haurvatā, "Viehhüter"42.
...The interpretation of Carolingian finds from Croatia and adjacent areas seems more probable in such a context. This does not negate early medieval migrations, which surely have occurred, but not as a single closed event in a fixed moment of time and, apparently, not at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. Neither the material, nor the written sources support that. The Carolingian influence on early medieval Croatia was quite considerable and quite important, as was shown by the exhibition "Croats and Carolingians" in 2000/2001. For the formation of early medieval Croat identity and their ethnogenesis it was possibly the key element. However, it had hardly anything to do with the presumed migration of the Croats.
Nalaze grobne keramike s područja Hrvatske u više je navrata razmatrao J. Belošević, te došao do zaključka da se otkriveno posuđe s obzirom na oblik može podijeliti na ono tipično slavenskih oblika (jajoliki i kružno-jajoliki lonci poput primjerka s Bukorovića podvornice) i ono koje odražava kasnoantičke tradicije (lonci s ručkama i vrčevi s izljevom).119 U tehnološkom smislu, kao i zbog načina ukrašavanja, može se zaključiti da sve to posuđe nastaje pod utjecajem kasnoantičke keramičke produkcije. Ono, međutim, ne predstavlja dokaz o znatnijem sudjelovanju starosjedilačkoga stanovništva u oblikovanju nove etničke slike u Dalmaciji, kako je to, na osnovi pojedinih keramičkih nalaza, pokušao protumačiti A. Milošević.120 Upravo obrnuto, pojava posuđa u grobovima prvi je materijalni dokaz kojim je obilježena prisutnost novog naroda na ovim prostorima, a nikad i nigdje nije zabilježena na grobljima 6. i ranog 7. stoljeća, koja se sa sigurnošću mogu pripisati starijem stanovništvu (npr. Knin-Greblje, Korita-Duvno).121 Osim toga, prilaganje posuđa povezano je s poganskim pogrebnim običajima kakvi su, bez obzira na određeni stupanj barbarizacije, nespojivi s kršćanskom pripadnošću spomenutog stanovništva...
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: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)The city of Rohatyn is situated at the crossroads of routes leading to Halych, Lviv and Ternopil. Evidence of two large White Croatian towns (6th–8th centuries) was found near Rohatyn at the villages of Pidhoroddya and Lykovyshche. One of them is likely to have been Old Rohatyn ... The Lemkos an ethnic group inhabiting the Eastern Carpathians, between the River of Poprad to the west and the rivers of Oslava and Laborec to the east. The ethnic shape of the Lemko territory was affected by the Wallachian colonization in 14th–16th centuries, the influx of a Ruthenian-influenced Slovak population and the settlement of a Slavic tribe called the White Croats, who had inhabited this part of the Carpathians since the 5th century.
As for the issue of the genesis of the practice of burial under stone slabs and why this rite was widespread mainly in the western part of Ukraine, with the exception of the under the slab cemetery in Buky, Kyiv region, no clear answer exists. There are several main hypotheses among researchers. They were identified first as separate categories by S. Pyvovarov: 1. Social and material – O. Ratych, J. Kalaga, M. Hanuliak (Ratič 1976, 176–177; Hanuliak 1979; Kalaga 2014, 136); 2. Ethnic, which suggests belonging of this type of burial to the tribes of Tyvertsi – B. Tymoshchuk, V. Siedov, V. Voinarovskyi (Timoŝuk 1969, 56; Sedov 1982, 128; Vojnarovsʹkij 1992, 41–42), Croats – E. Timofieiev, V. Petehyrych, O. Motsia (Timofeev 1961, 69; Petegirič 1990, 73; Mocâ 1994, 31), Croats-Tivertsi – I. Voznyi (Voznij 2009, 365), late Croats-Halychans – B. Tomenchuk (Tomenčuk 2006, 110); 3. Pagan – V. Petehyrych and O. Motsia (Petegirič 1990, 73; Mocâ 1994, 31); 4. Evolution-functional – B. Tomenchuk (Tomenčuk 2006, 110); 5. Christianization – S. Pyvovarov, S. Mayarchak (Pivovarov 2006, 169–171; Maârčak 2018, 278–280).
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: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of November 2024 (link)