William Bolts, Considerations on India Affairs, London, 1772, Part II, Vol.III, p.528; cited in J. Natarajan, Report of the Press Commission, Part 2, History of Indian Journalism, New Delhi, Government of India Publication Division, 1955, p.4.
N.L. Hallward, William Bolts, Cambridge, 1920, p.193. Adolf Beer, "Die österreichische Handelspolitik unter Maria Theresia und Joseph II: Studien zur Geschichte de österreichischen Volkswirtschaft", Archiv für Österreichische Geschichte, Band 86, 1899, S.100–104; Franz von Pollack-Parnau, "Eine österreich-ostindische Handelskompanie, 1775–1785: Beitrag zur österreichische Wirtschaftsgeschichte unter Maria Theresia und Joseph II", Vierteljahrsschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgesichte, Beiheft 12, Stuttgart, 1927, p.88.
William Bolts, "A Short Chronological Narrative of Events [1801]", Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio, John G. White Zamboni ms Wq 091.92, B 639s, f.1; cited in Barry M. Gough and Robert J. King, "William Bolts: An Eighteenth Century Merchant Adventurer", Archives: the Journal of the British Records Association, vol.xxxi, no.112, April 2005, pp.8–28, p.10. A. J. van der Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, Haarlem, J.J. van Brederode, 2 Deel, 1854.
The Public Advertiser, 17 June 1788; "New Fur Trade", The World, 6 and 13 October 1788, and The European Magazine, November 1788. The Imperial Eagle is described as belonging to the Austrian East India Company (that is, the Imperial Company of Trieste) in F.W. Howay, A List of Trading Vessels in Maritime Fur Trade, 178 –1794, Ottawa, Royal Society of Canada, 1930, p.115.