Findley 2005, p. 45 "Many elements of non-Turkic origin also became part of Türk statecraft. Important terms, for example, often came from non-Turkic languages, as in the cases of khatun for the ruler's wife and beg for 'aristocrat', both terms of Sogdian origin and ever since in common use in Turkish." Findley, Carter Vaughn (2005). The Turks in World History. Oxford University Press. ISBN0198039395. Retrieved February 15, 2014.
Hanshu 《漢書·張騫李廣利傳》Original text 臣居匈奴中,聞烏孫王號昆莫。昆莫父難兜靡本與大月氏俱在祁連、焞煌間,小國也。tr. "[I, your majesty's] minister, while living among the Xiongnu, heard that the Wusun king was called Kunmo; Kunmo's father Nandoumi had originally been dwelling together with the Great Yuezhi in a small state between Qilian and Dunhuang."
Phillips, E. D. (1955). "The Legend of Aristeas: Fact and Fancy in Early Greek Notions of East Russia, Siberia, and Inner Asia". Artibus Asiae. 18 (2): 161–177 [p. 166]. doi:10.2307/3248792. JSTOR3248792.
Phillips, E. D. (1955). "The Legend of Aristeas: Fact and Fancy in Early Greek Notions of East Russia, Siberia, and Inner Asia". Artibus Asiae. 18 (2): 161–177 [p. 166]. doi:10.2307/3248792. JSTOR3248792.
Gumilev L.N. "12". History of Hun People. Science (in Russian). Moscow.
Yu, Taishan (July 1998). "A Study of Saka History"(PDF). Sino-Platonic Papers (80). The four tribes of the Asii and others, including the Da Yuezhi and the Wusun, were all Europoid and spoke Indo-European languages.
Hanshu 《漢書·卷九十六下》 西域傳 Original text: 本塞地也,大月氏西破走塞王,塞王南越縣度。大月氏居其地。後烏孫昆莫擊破大月氏,大月氏徙西臣大夏,而烏孫昆莫居之,故烏孫民有塞種、大月氏種雲。
Hanshu 《漢書·卷九十六下》 西域傳 Original text: 昆莫年老,言語不通,公主悲愁,自為作歌曰:「吾家嫁我兮天一方,遠托異國兮烏孫王。穹廬為室兮旃為牆,以肉為食兮酪為漿。居常土思兮心內傷,願為黃鵠兮歸故鄉。」
Gardiner-Garden 1986. Gardiner-Garden, J.R. (March 1986). "Chang-Ch'ien and Central Asian Ethnography". Papers of Far Eastern History. 33. Canberra: Australian National University Institute of Advanced Studies Department of Far Eastern History: 23–79. ISSN0048-2870. A survey of theories of ethnic affiliations and identification of the Wusun and the Yuezhi.