明孝陵景区Archived 2010-01-07 at the Wayback Machine (MIng Xiaoling Scenic Area); at the Nanjing city Government site. (in Chinese)
Asian Historical ArchitectureXiaoling Tomb, Nanjing, China (Asian Historical Architecture – a Photographic Survey) – includes detailed site map and photos. One of their main sources is: Barry Till, with the assistance of Paula Swart. In Search of Old Nanking. Joint Pub. Co. (Hong Kong Branch). 1982. Hong Kong
明孝陵两大“碑石之谜”被破解Archived 2012-10-18 at the Wayback Machine (Solving the two great riddles of the Ming Xiaoling's stone tablets). People's Daily, 2003-06-13. Quote regarding the Kangxi's stele text and its meaning: "清朝皇帝躬祀明朝皇帝 ... 御书“治隆唐宋”(意思是赞扬朱元璋的功绩超过了唐太宗李世民、宋高祖赵匡胤)"; regarding the dimensions of the stele and its tortoise "康熙御碑孝陵碑殿中部主碑,是清康熙三十八年(1699年)由康熙皇帝爱新觉罗·玄烨所立,高3.85米,宽1.42米,上阴刻楷书“治隆唐宋”4字,字径0.68米,碑座为石制龟趺,高1.06米。"
明代帝陵砖材科技含量高 明十九帝陵图片展筹备Archived 2011-07-20 at the Wayback Machine (High-tech bricks of Ming imperial mausolea: preparing for an exhibition of images of the 19 Ming imperial tombs) Xinhua, 2009-06-10. (Source for sizes)
明孝陵景区Archived 2010-01-07 at the Wayback Machine (MIng Xiaoling Scenic Area); at the Nanjing city Government site. (in Chinese)
明孝陵两大“碑石之谜”被破解Archived 2012-10-18 at the Wayback Machine (Solving the two great riddles of the Ming Xiaoling's stone tablets). People's Daily, 2003-06-13. Quote regarding the Kangxi's stele text and its meaning: "清朝皇帝躬祀明朝皇帝 ... 御书“治隆唐宋”(意思是赞扬朱元璋的功绩超过了唐太宗李世民、宋高祖赵匡胤)"; regarding the dimensions of the stele and its tortoise "康熙御碑孝陵碑殿中部主碑,是清康熙三十八年(1699年)由康熙皇帝爱新觉罗·玄烨所立,高3.85米,宽1.42米,上阴刻楷书“治隆唐宋”4字,字径0.68米,碑座为石制龟趺,高1.06米。"
明代帝陵砖材科技含量高 明十九帝陵图片展筹备Archived 2011-07-20 at the Wayback Machine (High-tech bricks of Ming imperial mausolea: preparing for an exhibition of images of the 19 Ming imperial tombs) Xinhua, 2009-06-10. (Source for sizes)