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The Kim Dong-hoon Theater Award (김동훈 연극상에) was established in 2000 to honor Kim Dong-hoon [ko] (1939-1996), a theater director and theater actor. Kim Dong-hoon, who studied aesthetics at Gyeonggi High School and Seoul National University, and worked in the theater company's experimental theater, left his mark in Korean theater as an actor, director, theater troupe operator, and theater administrator.
The Dong-A Theater Awards [ko](동아연극상) established in 1964 to expand and develop the base of Korean theater, have contributed to the revitalization of Korean theater by selecting and awarding performers, theater troupes and organizations that have performed outstandingly every year.
The Lee Hae-rang Theater Award [ko] was established by the Lee Hae-rang Theater Foundation to commemorate the Lee Hae-rang [ko], a pioneer in the Korean theater industry.
Hong, Mi-eun (2015-12-03). "'꽃분이'가 '하나코'로 살아야 했던 그 날들" [Those days when 'Flower Blossom' had to live as 'Hanako']. 여성신문 (in Korean). Archived from the original on 2023-02-06. Retrieved 2023-02-06.
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