[3]: Like Judah's Dialoghi, Alemanno's dialogue Hay ha-'olamim, composed in late-fifteenth-century Florence, was in conversation with the neoplatonic thought of Ficino and Pico. Like Judah, Alemanno was also concerned with the relationship between imagination and intellect, and the role of poetics and rhetoric as disciplines necessary for the attainment of human felicity.
[2]: "The wise of Israel speak of a world which is not that of the philosophers: the world of the sefiroth is superior to that of the corruptible entities, as well as to the world of circular movements and that of the angels."
Davidson, Israel (1924). Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol. Schiff Library of Jewish Classics. Translated by Zangwill, Israel. Philadelphia: JPS. p. 247. ISBN0-8276-0060-7. LCCN73-2210.
He brought together in his thinking Averroist, Kabbalistic, Neoplatonic and Renaissance humanist themes.[1]Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, article Jewish Philosophy.