"Народні інструменти" [Folk instruments]. Херсонське музичне училище | Херсонское музыкальное училище (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2022-10-14. Retrieved 2022-10-15. [Among its best graduates of different years are O.I. Serdyuk (in the 1990s - head of the city's culture department), Yu.M. Ivanenko - director of the Kherson Regional Philharmonic, Yu.L. Kerpatenko - conductor of the Drama Theater named after M. Kulisha.]
"Народні інструменти" [Folk instruments]. Херсонське музичне училище | Херсонское музыкальное училище (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2022-10-14. Retrieved 2022-10-15. [Among its best graduates of different years are O.I. Serdyuk (in the 1990s - head of the city's culture department), Yu.M. Ivanenko - director of the Kherson Regional Philharmonic, Yu.L. Kerpatenko - conductor of the Drama Theater named after M. Kulisha.]