《臺語之古老與古典》 The Antiquities and Classics of Taiwanese; 〈第三種現象: 通假〉 "Phenomenon of the Third Kind: Use of a Chinese character interchangeably for a phonetically related character", section 8. archived from the original. quote: (顒昂:三國魏人邢顒,字子昂。是名字取「顒」「昂」同音。「顒」今官音ㄩㄥˊ,古音應該和「昂」同為gâŋ或ŋâŋ。《三國志》魏志〈文帝紀〉注引王令:「兆民顒顒」「顒顒」就是「昂昂」。《詩經》〈阿卷〉:「顒顒卬卬。」正連用。)
《臺語之古老與古典》 The Antiquities and Classics of Taiwanese; 〈第三種現象: 通假〉 "Phenomenon of the Third Kind: Use of a Chinese character interchangeably for a phonetically related character", section 8. archived from the original. quote: (顒昂:三國魏人邢顒,字子昂。是名字取「顒」「昂」同音。「顒」今官音ㄩㄥˊ,古音應該和「昂」同為gâŋ或ŋâŋ。《三國志》魏志〈文帝紀〉注引王令:「兆民顒顒」「顒顒」就是「昂昂」。《詩經》〈阿卷〉:「顒顒卬卬。」正連用。)