Zhao Shuai (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Zhao Shuai" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
144th place
497th place
1st place
1st place
381st place
997th place
1,972nd place
5,213th place
4,826th place
8,182nd place
2,979th place
low place
8,216th place
5,815th place
3,644th place
2,570th place
low place
low place
1,022nd place
911th place
343rd place
927th place
372nd place
942nd place
1,497th place
4,253rd place
low place
low place


  • "创历史!赵帅6-4险胜 夺中国男子跆拳道奥运首金" [Making history! Zhao Shuai narrowly defeated China 6-4 and won China’s first Olympic gold medal in men’s taekwondo]. www.163.com. 2016-08-18. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 北京时间8月18日上午9点30,里约奥运会跆拳道比赛。在刚刚结束的男子58公斤级决赛中,中国选手赵帅6比4战胜泰国选手汉普拉布夺取金牌。



  • "ZHAO Shuai". AsianGames2018.id. Asian Games 2018 Jakarta Palembang. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018. Retrieved 24 August 2018.



  • "赵帅夺世界跆拳道大满贯积分第一"直通东京"" [Zhao Shuai wins first place in World Taekwondo Grand Slam points and "directly leads to Tokyo"]. wappass.baidu.com. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 2019世界跆拳道大满贯冠军系列赛18日在无锡太湖国际博览中心开赛,中国名将赵帅获得男子68公斤以下级亚军,同时以该级别大满贯积分排名榜首的成绩获得直通2020年东京奥运会的资格。
  • "跆拳道奥运冠军赵帅、郑姝音结束12年恋爱长跑,官宣领证" [Taekwondo Olympic champions Zhao Shuai and Zheng Shuyin ended their 12-year relationship and officially announced they received their certificates]. wappass.baidu.com. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 6月17日,郑姝音在微博上官宣结婚,写着"我有证了~"。赵帅默契转发,写"我也有证了!"
  • "2023苏州太湖马拉松鸣枪" [2023 Suzhou Taihu Marathon Gun Shot]. wappass.baidu.com. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 2023苏州太湖马拉松22日鸣枪开赛,来自全球19个国家和地区的约23000名选手参赛,奥运冠军夫妇赵帅、郑姝音领跑。


  • "奥运冠军赵帅卫冕世锦赛金牌 中国跆拳道队创佳绩" [Olympic champion Zhao Shuai defends world championship gold medal, Chinese taekwondo team achieves great results]. www.chinanews.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 在2019年世界跆拳道锦标赛男子63公斤级决赛中,奥运冠军赵帅以27:7击败劲敌伊朗选手艾哈迈迪,从而完成卫冕。
  • "里约奥运跆拳道赛场的中国"情侣金"" [China’s “Couple’s Gold” at the Rio Olympics Taekwondo Arena]. www.chinanews.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 郑姝音与赵帅是老乡,两人相识于国家队,至今已交往5年。



  • "城运会-跆拳道首日决出3金 "小吴静钰"遗憾摘银" [City Games - Taekwondo won 3 gold medals on the first day, but "Xiao Wu Jingyu" unfortunately won the silver]. sports.cntv.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 男子58公斤级决赛在厦门队的宋伟杰和连云港队的赵帅之间进行。这两名运动员的实力都不俗。在预赛中,赵帅表现得更为突出,一路过关斩将。而在第三轮预赛中,赵帅以11:5的比分战胜过宋伟杰。心理占优的赵帅在决赛中没能乘胜追击,反而以3:8不敌宋伟杰。
  • "跆拳道:赵帅马兆勇各自建功 中国男队收获两金" [Taekwondo: Zhao Shuai and Ma Zhaoyong each made contributions, and the Chinese men’s team won two gold medals]. sports.cntv.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 北京时间10月8日,2013年第六届东亚运动会结束跆拳道第二日角逐。男子54-58公斤级比赛,中国选手赵帅发挥出色,连胜三场为中国队添上一金。




  • "全国跆拳道冠军赛落幕 东道主江苏成最大赢家" [The National Taekwondo Championship ends with the host Jiangsu becoming the biggest winner]. sports.qq.com. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 男子54公斤级冠军被江苏队赵帅获得,他以12比4战胜了贵州队的陈天阳,为江苏队锁定第三枚金牌;
  • "高清:跆拳道男子68公斤级 奥运冠军赵帅夺冠" [HD: Taekwondo men's 68kg Olympic champion Zhao Shuai wins the championship]. sports.qq.com. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 2017年9月5日,2017年第十三届全运会跆拳道男子68公斤级决赛,奥运冠军赵帅8-5赵攀锋大胜夺冠。
  • "亚运跆拳道-63公斤级赵帅遭复仇 遗憾屈居亚军" [Asian Games Taekwondo-63kg class Zhao Shuai suffered revenge and unfortunately finished second]. sports.qq.com. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 男子-63公斤级,奥运冠军赵帅在决赛中发挥欠佳,以11-17不敌今年10月才年满20岁的伊朗选手侯赛因,遭对手复仇,屈居亚军,侯赛因夺得冠军。




  • "图文-2010年跆拳道全国冠军赛 江苏队赵帅进攻" [Photo and text-2010 Taekwondo National Championship Jiangsu team Zhao Shuai attacks]. sports.sina.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 江苏队刘利平和赵帅分别问鼎女子49公斤级、男子54公斤级桂冠
  • "赵帅夺江苏跆拳道男队全运首金 曾蒸桑拿减体重" [Zhao Shuai won the first gold medal of the Jiangsu Taekwondo Men's National Games and once took a sauna to lose weight]. sports.sina.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 3:2战胜福建选手许永增,江苏小伙子赵帅昨日在跆拳道男子58公斤级比赛中成功登顶,使得江苏跆拳道队在全运会男子项目上取得了金牌零的突破
  • "全国跆拳道冠军赛开战 广东福建重庆前卫江苏开门红" [National Taekwondo Championship begins, Guangdong, Fujian, Chongqing and Jiangsu have a good start]. sports.sina.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 与前两个级别相比,男子63公斤级决赛相对缺乏悬念。实力上的较大差距让江苏选手赵帅在第一局就取得了10比0的领先,虽然北京选手胡鹏翔在第二局扳回一分,但赵帅成功击头得到3分,使得比赛在第二局就以赵帅13比1获胜而宣告提前结束。
  • "跆拳道世锦赛中国男队首金!奥运后赵帅再创历史" [The Chinese men's team won its first gold medal at the Taekwondo World Championships! Zhao Shuai makes history again after the Olympics]. sports.sina.com.cn. 2017-06-30. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 男子63公斤级,中国队派出了奥运冠军赵帅,上个周期,他不管是全运会还是奥运会,都是以黑马的姿态杀出重围,夺得冠军,赵帅夺得了中国男子跆拳道的首枚奥运会金牌,创造了历史。
  • "赵帅向郑姝音求婚成功 两人将继续出征巴黎奥运" [Zhao Shuai successfully proposed to Zheng Shuyin and the two will continue to compete in the Paris Olympics]. sports.sina.com.cn. 2021-11-22. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 北京时间11月22日消息,今天,跆拳道奥运冠军赵帅向队友郑姝音求婚成功,相恋十年的两人将走入婚姻殿堂。


  • 常悦 (2019-03-05). "美国跆拳道公开赛 赵帅夺冠" [US Taekwondo Open: Zhao Shuai wins the championship]. news.sina.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 奥运会与世锦赛双料冠军赵帅在男子68公斤以下级决赛中,以19:17战胜英国选手麦克尼什,站上了最高领奖台,并获得20分的奥运积分,这也让他距离东京奥运会又迈进一步。



  • "跆拳道世锦赛李照艺首次参赛摘银 韩国终获首金" [Li Zhaoyi won silver in the Taekwondo World Championships for the first time, and South Korea finally won its first gold medal]. sports.sohu.com. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 赵帅在首轮战胜荷兰选手扬马特,第二轮以12-0零封阿联酋选手阿尔-马尔佐乌奇,但是第三轮比赛中不敌泰国选手克哈夫劳尔,无缘8强,后者在决赛中战胜韩国选手朴智雄夺冠,伊朗选手巴格赫里-徳赫切什梅赫和俄罗斯选手马戈梅多夫分获第三。


  • "第十四届全运会" [The 14th National Games]. www.sport.gov.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 男子跆拳道-68公斤级决赛9月24日晚在汉中体育馆展开激烈较量。东京奥运会铜牌得主、江苏选手赵帅顶住了吉林选手陈博琳的攻势,赢得了自己的第三个全运会冠军。不过赵帅仍然认为,自己未来仍需要在技术方面精益求精。


  • "5年"升级"一路沉淀!赵帅击败李大勋,摘下跆拳道铜牌" [5 years of "upgrading" has accumulated all the way! Zhao Shuai defeated Li Daxun and won the bronze medal in taekwondo]. www.thepaper.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-25. 25日的东京奥运的赛场,赵帅遗憾的以总分25-33不敌英国选手布莱德利·辛顿,无缘决赛。但在第三名争夺战中,赵帅以17-15击败宿敌韩国名将李大勋,拿下一枚宝贵的铜牌!


  • "ZHAO Shuai". AsianGames2018.id. Asian Games 2018 Jakarta Palembang. Archived from the original on 24 August 2018. Retrieved 24 August 2018.
  • "Shuai Zhao". Rio2016.com. Rio 2016 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Archived from the original on 26 August 2016. Retrieved 17 August 2016.
  • "Men's bantamweight" (PDF). 2019 World Taekwondo Championships. Archived (PDF) from the original on 22 May 2019. Retrieved 9 August 2020.
  • "Zhao Shuai". Olympedia.org. OlyMADmen. Archived from the original on 19 July 2021. Retrieved 26 July 2021.
