Zhuge Liang (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Zhuge Liang" in English language version.

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low place
low place
5th place
5th place
2nd place
2nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
26th place
20th place
low place
low place





  • Patterson, Gregory Magai (2015). "Du Fu's Ethnographic Imagination: Local Culture and its Contexts in the Kuizhou Poems". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. 37: 29–65. ISSN 0161-9705. JSTOR 26357341.


  • John Thompson (2003). "Zhuge Liang". John Thompson on the Guqin Silk String Zither. 19. Memorials on dispatching the troops. Retrieved 21 November 2016.




  • Wei, Book of Wu: "其先葛氏,本琅邪諸縣人,後徙陽都。陽都先有姓葛者,時人謂之諸葛,因以為氏。" Cited in Chen and Pei 429, 52.1232 n. 1, biography of Zhuge Jin. Wei Zhao; Hua He; Zhou Zhao (周昭); Xue Ying; Liang Guang (梁廣) (c. 270). Wei Zhao (ed.). 吳書 [Book of Wu] (official history). Chen Shou (1977) [429]. Pei Songzhi (ed.). Annotated Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志注. Taipei: Dingwen Printing.
      Sun Sheng (300s). Jin Yangqiu 晉陽秋 [Chronicle of Jin].
    • Xi, Han–Jin Chunqiu: "十一月,上言曰:「先帝慮漢賊不兩立, ... 非臣之明所能逆覩也。」於是有散關之役。此表,亮集所無,出張儼默記。" Cited in Chen and Pei 429, 35.923–924 n. 3, with a comment that the quoted text does not appear in Chen Shou's Zhuge Liang ji, coming rather from Zhang Yan's "notes". Xi Zuochi. Han–Jin Chunqiu 漢晉春秋 [Chronicle of Han and Jin] (private history). Chen Shou (1977) [429]. Pei Songzhi (ed.). Annotated Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志注. Taipei: Dingwen Printing.
        Sun Sheng (300s). Jin Yangqiu 晉陽秋 [Chronicle of Jin].
      • Wang, Book of Wei: "亮糧盡勢窮,憂恚歐血,一夕燒營遁走,入谷,道發病卒。" Cited in Chen and Pei 429, 35.926 n. 4. Wang Chen; Xun Yi; Ruan Ji (c. 250s). 魏書 [Book of Wei] (official history). Chen Shou (1977) [429]. Pei Songzhi (ed.). Annotated Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志注. Taipei: Dingwen Printing.
          Sun Sheng (300s). Jin Yangqiu 晉陽秋 [Chronicle of Jin].
        • Ouyang Xiu; Song Qi, eds. (1060). "vol. 15: treatise 5 on rites and music". Xin Tang Shu 新唐書. 上元元年,尊太公為武成王,祭典與文宣王比,以歷代良將為十哲象坐侍。秦武安君白起、漢淮陰侯韓信、蜀丞相諸葛亮、唐尚書右僕射衛國公李靖、司空英國公李勣列於左,漢太子少傅張良、齊大司馬田穰苴、吳將軍孫武、魏西河守吳起、燕晶國君樂毅列於右,以良為配。
        • Shiji, vol. 48: "葛嬰至東城,立襄彊為楚王。嬰後聞陳王已立,因殺襄彊,還報。至陳,陳王誅殺葛嬰。" Sima Qian; Sima Tan (1739) [90s BCE]. "48: 陳涉世家". Shiji 史記 [Records of the Grand Historian] (in Literary Chinese) (punctuated ed.). Beijing: Imperial Household Department.
          • Pei Qi (裴啟) [in Chinese]. 裴子語林. 諸葛武侯與宣王在渭濱,將戰,宣王戎服蒞事;使人觀武侯,乘素輿,著葛巾,持白羽扇,指麾三軍



          • (老子长于养性,不可以临危难。商鞅长于理法,不可以从教化。苏、张长于驰辞,不可以结盟誓。白起长于攻取,不可以广众。子胥长于图敌,不可以谋身。尾生长于守信,不可以应变。王嘉长于遇明君,不可以事暗主。许子将长于明臧否,不可以养人物。此任长之术者也。) Zhuge Liang ji, vol. 2. Zhang Zhu (張澍); Wen Xuchu (聞旭初); Duan Xizhong (段熙仲), eds. (1960) [1809s]. Zhuge Liang Ji 諸葛亮集 [Collected Works of Zhuge Liang] (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing. OCLC 21994628.
          • (故为君之道,以教令为先,诛罚为后,不教而战,是谓弃之。) Zhuge Liang ji, vol. 3.
            (君臣之政,其犹天地之象,天地之象明,则君臣之道具矣。君以施下为仁,臣以事上为义。二心不可以事君,疑政不可以授臣。上下好礼,则民易使,上下和顺,则君臣之道具矣。君以礼使臣,臣以忠事君。君谋其政,臣谋其事。政者,正名也,事者,劝功也。) Zhuge Liang ji, vol. 3. Zhang Zhu (張澍); Wen Xuchu (聞旭初); Duan Xizhong (段熙仲), eds. (1960) [1809s]. Zhuge Liang Ji 諸葛亮集 [Collected Works of Zhuge Liang] (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing. OCLC 21994628. Zhang Zhu (張澍); Wen Xuchu (聞旭初); Duan Xizhong (段熙仲), eds. (1960) [1809s]. Zhuge Liang Ji 諸葛亮集 [Collected Works of Zhuge Liang] (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing. OCLC 21994628.
          • (《諸葛氏譜》:晋泰始五年己丑,王覽爲太傅,詔錄故漢名臣子孫蕭、曹、鄧、吳等後,皆赴闕受秩。孔明之後獨不至。訪知其第三子懷,公車促至,欲爵之。懷辭曰:"臣家成都,有桑八百株,薄田十五頃,衣食自有餘饒。材同欞櫟,無補于國,請得歸老牖下,實隆賜也。"晋主悅而從之。) Zhuge Liang ji, Gushi vol. 1. Zhang Zhu (張澍); Wen Xuchu (聞旭初); Duan Xizhong (段熙仲), eds. (1960) [1809s]. Zhuge Liang Ji 諸葛亮集 [Collected Works of Zhuge Liang] (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing. OCLC 21994628.
          • (澍案:忠武侯女名果,見《仙鑒》,以其奉事禳鬥之法,後必證仙果,故名曰果也。鶴山非妄語者,乘雲上升,未可以爲誕矣。) Zhuge Liang ji, Gushi vol. 1. Zhang Zhu (張澍); Wen Xuchu (聞旭初); Duan Xizhong (段熙仲), eds. (1960) [1809s]. Zhuge Liang Ji 諸葛亮集 [Collected Works of Zhuge Liang] (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing. OCLC 21994628.
          • (澍案:《雜記》云:後帝赴洛,洮陽王恂不忍北去,與關索定策南奔,衛瓘發鐵騎追至,得霍弋、呂凱合攻,方退,諸葛質爲使,入蠻邦結好,時孟虬爲王,祝融夫人曰:"却之不仁。"虬從母命,回報洮陽王,住永昌。《雜記》所雲諸葛質,瞻子也,然雲霍弋、呂凱合攻,誤矣。呂凱于雍闓之役被害,此時安得于霍弋合攻。) Zhuge Liang ji, Gushi vol. 1. Zhang Zhu (張澍); Wen Xuchu (聞旭初); Duan Xizhong (段熙仲), eds. (1960) [1809s]. Zhuge Liang Ji 諸葛亮集 [Collected Works of Zhuge Liang] (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing. OCLC 21994628.
          • Patterson, Gregory Magai (2015). "Du Fu's Ethnographic Imagination: Local Culture and its Contexts in the Kuizhou Poems". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. 37: 29–65. ISSN 0161-9705. JSTOR 26357341.