"According to Većeslav Holjevac around 6,000 Croats lived in Belgium prior to World War II. Holjevac claims that around 2,000 immigrants in Belgium from the former Yugoslavia participated in the Belgium underground, around 150 of whom served in two armed resistance units, the Đuro Đaković and Blagoje Parović, named after, respectively, a Croat and a Serb Communist leader." Kraljić, John (15 June 2007). "Ethnic Croatians Killed by Nazi and Fascist Forces: Introduction". www.croatia.org. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
Hervé Lemesle, « Des médailles et leurs revers. Des anciens d’Espagne devenus « héros des peuples de Yougoslavie » », Cahiers balkaniques, 38-39 | 2011, 37-70, https://journals.openedition.org/ceb/761