Newcomb's Tables of the Sun (Washington, 1895), Introduction, I. Basis of the Tables, pp. 9 and 20, citing time units of Greenwich Mean Noon, Greenwich Mean Time, and mean solar day
See G M Clemence's proposal of 1948, contained in his paper: "On the System of Astronomical Constants", Astronomical Journal (1948) vol.53 (6), issue #1170, pp 169–179; also G M Clemence (1971), "The Concept of Ephemeris Time", in Journal for the History of Astronomy v2 (1971), pp. 73–79 (giving details of the genesis and adoption of the ephemeris time proposal); also article Ephemeris time and references therein.
W de Sitter, on p. 38 of Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands, v4 (1927), pp.21–38, "On the secular accelerations and the fluctuations of the moon, the sun, Mercury and Venus", which refers to "the 'astronomical time', given by the earth's rotation, and used in all practical astronomical computations", and states that it "differs from the 'uniform' or 'Newtonian' time".
See G M Clemence's proposal of 1948, contained in his paper: "On the System of Astronomical Constants", Astronomical Journal (1948) vol.53 (6), issue #1170, pp 169–179; also G M Clemence (1971), "The Concept of Ephemeris Time", in Journal for the History of Astronomy v2 (1971), pp. 73–79 (giving details of the genesis and adoption of the ephemeris time proposal); also article Ephemeris time and references therein.
Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command "Suggested Reading", Delta T information - McCarthy, D.D. and A.K. Babcock, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol. 44, 1986, 281-292