Fidel Fita Colomé, "La Inquisición de Ciudad Real en 1483-1485. Documentos inéditos", en Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia, tomo 20 (1892), pp. 462-520 kaj Haim Beinart, Records of the trials os the Spanish inquisition in Ciudad Real. Volume One: The Trials of 1483-1485. Jerusalem, The Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1974, kaj The Records of the Inquisition: A Source of Jewish and Converso History The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Proceedings. Volume II, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 1967 kaj Records of the Trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real, Volume 4: Documents, Biographical Notes, Indexes, The Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1985.