Ruse, Michael (March 2003). “Perceptions in science: Is Evolution a Secular Religion? -- Ruse”, Science, p. 299 (5612): 1523. Alirita 2008-12-05.. “A major complaint of the Creationists, those who are committed to a Genesis-based story of origins, is that evolution--and Darwinism in particular--is more than just a scientific theory. They object that too often evolution operates as a kind of secular religion, pushing norms and proposals for proper (or, in their opinion, improper) action.”.
Linke, Steven (1992-08-28). A Visit to the ICR Museum. TalkOrigins Archive. Alirita 2008-12-05 . “In fact, true science supports the Biblical worldview... However, science does not support false religions (e.g. atheism, evolutionism, pantheism, humanism, etc.)”.