Edward O. Wilson and Bert Hölldobler (20a de septembro 2005). «Eusociality: Origin and consequences» (PDF).Arkivigite je 2019-11-16 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (United States National Academy of Sciences) 102 (38): 13367-13371. Konsultita la 4an de oktobro 2019.
Edward O. Wilson and Bert Hölldobler (20a de septembro 2005). «Eusociality: Origin and consequences» (PDF).Arkivigite je 2019-11-16 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (United States National Academy of Sciences) 102 (38): 13367-13371. Konsultita la 4an de oktobro 2019.