. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “Male al la “Regul De Wahl”, kiu ebligas en Interlingue regulajn derivaĵojn, Interlingua konservas plurajn radikojn, ekz. ag/act (agente/actor), frang/fract (frangibil/fraction), ung/unct (unguento/unction), tiel ke sen lingvistikaj antaŭscioj pri infinitiva kaj supina formoj oni ne povas diveni la ĝustan rezulton.”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “"Post la okupo de Tallinn per sovetia armeo estis deportita kaj malaperinta la edzino de De Wahl, lia domo komplete forbruliĝis dum bombardado, detruiĝis lia riĉa biblioteko kaj manuskriptoj. Post la alveno de naziaj trupoj De Wahl rifuzis translokiĝon al Germanio kaj estis enkarcerigita. Por savi lin, liaj amikoj lasis proklami lin mense malsana. En la jaro 1944, 77-jaraĝa, li eniris sanatorion Seewald apud Tallinn kaj restis tie ankaŭ post la milito, ne havante propran loĝejon"”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “Alphonse Matejka konstatis, ke la publikigita vortprovizo de Interlingua en 90% kongruas kun tiu de Interlingue, se oni ne rigardas ortografion (historian kaj simpligitan) kaj uzon de finaj vokaloj.”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “"La postmilita divido de Eŭropo en orientan kaj okcidentan sektoron sentigis la nomon “Occidental” propagando por kapitalisma okcidento, tial venis proponoj ŝanĝi la nomon."”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “"...la simileco inter ambaŭ interlingvoj estas tiom granda, ke certe eblos iu racia sintezo inter ili, konkludis Matejka en 1951...La senato de Interlingue-Union kaj la Interlingue-Academie pritraktis la proponojn, ke (1) Interlingue Union iĝu kolektiva membro de IALA kaj (2) Interlingue-Union restu favora al estonta aktiveco de IALA kaj morale subtenu ĝin. La unua propono ne estis akceptita, sed jes la dua, do praktike kunlaboro kaj subteno de Interlingua."”.
Biographias: Ric(hard) Berger. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-13. Alirita 2020-12-18 . “Postea, de 1934 a 1950, ille esseva co-redactor del magazin del Occidental-Union, "Cosmoglotta", e esseva le interprenditor in 1948 quando occidental - presentate per le estoniano Edgar de Wahl - cambiava nomine a interlingue.”.
Cosmoglotta, summer 2000. Arkivita el la originalo je 2018-12-15. Alirita 2018-12-13 . “Proque yo esperat que noi vell posser un vez fusionar con Interlingua, ti-ci nov nómine devet facilisar li transition por nor membres, evitante talmen, coram li publica, un nov radical changeament de nómine. Yo dunc proposit, in februar 1948, in Cosmoglotta, remplazzar li nómine Occidental per Interlingue malgré li oposition del presidente del Academie.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 101. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Inter omni projectes, Occidental es li sol quel in altissim gradu ha penat satisfar li amalgamation del du quasi contradictori postulates: regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1938, p. 64. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Do secun li principies fundamental de Occidental: «junter quant possibil regularitá e naturalitá», just li form «radica» es li sol rect e apt por ti parol.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 76. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Nu, si li europan popules va un die introducter un tal radical ortografic reforma in su lingues quam li turcos, it va esser natural que anc li lingue international va secuer ti reforma, ma til tande, noi pensa, noi have ancor sufficent témpor e prefere ne chocar li publica e destructer li etymologie, do li regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 10. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Qui in li divers revues interlinguistic...retrosecue li labores de Wahl til lor origines, ti va constatar, que li autor de Occidental ja in su unesim publicationes esset un consecuent representant e protagonist del strict naturalitá del futuri lingue international; ma in contrast a altri interlinguistes del camp naturalistic, Wahl ha sempre accentuat que ti ci naturalitá deve accordar con plen regularitá del structura del lingue.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1935, p. 14. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-12. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Occidental esset publicat de Prof. E. de Wahl in 1922. It ha monstrat nos que li vocabularium del grand lingues de civilisation posse esser regularisat per un sistema de derivation admirabilmen simplic, sin arbitrari formes, sin inventet regules». Pro to Occidental es un excellent combination de naturalitá e regularitá. Ti du caracteres merita esser expresset in li insigne e yo proposi representar ti du atributes per li equigambi rect-triangul sur li diametre de un circul. Li equigambie expresse que li naturalitá e li regularitá esset tractat con egal cuidas per sr. de Wahl.”.
Kosmoglott, 1923, p. 9. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-30 . “Traduko: "Sed mi ne komprenas kial la vorto "celibatario" ne konvenas al Ido. Se oni havas la radikon "celibat" oni derivas vortojn kiel "legatario, milionario" ktp. en la sama maniero. Iu, kiu ŝatas M. de B[eaufront] ne komprenas la sencon de la sufikso en "secundari" povas lerni la vorton entute, kiel oni faras en Ido, sed mi opinias, ke estas pli bone havi eble iom ŝanĝantan sufikson ol lerni 100 novan radikon. vortoj, kie mi neniam scias, ĉu la inventintoj en unu kazo preferis internacian vorton aŭ en alia "logikan" novan formadon, kiun mi neniam povis eĉ imagi."”.
Kosmoglott, 1925, p.40. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-02-19 . “Translation: "I found the most precise sense of "-atu" for example no earlier than 1924 ... maybe with time I will also find the precise sense of "-il, -esc, -itudo", etc."”.
Kosmoglott, 1924, p. 14. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-02-07 . “Translation: "He asserts that Occidental, despite being easily readable, is very difficult to write and that one could hardly find 10 people in the world able to write it without errors. Well, with me alone there is already three times that number corresponding in good Occidental."”.
Helvetia, January 1930. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2020-09-04 . “"...Occ. esset unesimli propagat per Germanes, Austrianes, Svedes, Tchecoslovacos e solmen ante du annus ha penetrat in Francia."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1931, p. 92. Arkivita el la originalo je 2020-10-27. Alirita 2020-10-22 . “Un commercial firma in Tchecoslovacia scri spontanmen al redaction: "Mi firma...opera in Italia solmen per li medium de Occidental, e to in omni romanic states. To es un miraculos fact. Vu posse scrir a omni romano in Occidental e il va comprender vor idées."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1948, pg. 5. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-03. Alirita 2019-01-20 . “(Translation) Regrettably, public propagation of Occidental was not possible in Germany from 1935 (the year when artificial languages were banned in Germany) until the end of the war...”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 12.Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation öf the last pre-war Occidental postcard from Austria sent to Switzerland in December 1938: "My sadness from not being able to continue my interlinguistic work continues and has made me almost melancholic. Please do not send me mail in Occidental."
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 109.Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation: "The reality is that Occidental, like the other international languages, is prohibited in Germany, that the Occidental societies have been disbanded there (also in Czechoslovakia and Austria) even before the war, and that only regime change in those countries will make Occidental propagation a possibility again.
Cosmoglotta A, 1948, p. 122. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-03-24. Alirita 2019-02-02 . “English translation: The final exchange of telegrams between us was your telegram in March 1938 where you asked me if I would go to The Hague to participate in the IALA conference, and my quick negative response, not followed by a letter explaining why. You certainly had guessed the cause, but you cannot know what actually happened. Immediately after the coming of Hitler I had the "honour", as president of an international organisation, to be watched by the Gestapo, which interrogated me multiple times and searched through my house, confiscating a large part of my correspondence and my interlinguistic material."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1948, p. 33.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-16 . “Translation: "I myself lost my entire rich Occidental-Interlingue possessions in 1936 through home raids by the infamous Gestapo...How thankful you must be to your governments which have avoided such catastrophes that our land (Germany) has suffered, one after another, for 35 years now."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1946, p.8.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-07. Alirita 2018-12-22 . “English translation: "At the assembly of the Swiss Association for Occidental in Bienne it was noted with satisfaction that despite the war the cooperation at least with the Swedish worldlanguage friends was always able to be maintained, in that the letters and telegrams written in Occidental passed by the censors without problem."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 119.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-13. Alirita 2018-12-22 . “English translation: "When I arrived in Prague after my escape from the concentration of Leitmeritz, I had literally nothing except a ragged prison uniform, the so-called "pyjama" of the prison camps...Soon after I arrived in Prague I published an ad to search friends of the international language..."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 83.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2018-12-22 . “English translation: "The letters from France are starting to arrive in Switzerland. Especially appreciated are those from Mr. Lerond, a teacher in Bréville tra Donville (Manche) and from Mr. René Chabaud, who happily returned safe and sound from a prison camp in Germany."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1943, p. 85:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine English translation: "Because the president and secretary of the Academy are located in countries in a state of war, the leading Occidentalists of the neutral countries, Switzerland and Sweden, believe it necessary to set up an INTERIM ACADEMY which will function until the other will be able to resume its work. The decisions of this interim academy will be conditional, i.e.: must be validated by the regular Academy after the war, and due to that it will deliver to it all documents justifying its decisions, with detailed reasons."
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 3:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation: "For some hundreds of international words there are two forms between which it is not easy to know which one is better. E. de Wahl wisely wrote both in the first dictionaries, with the intention to let practice make the decision."
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 67:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine "...li standardisation del lingue have su natural límites. "Standardisar li lingue ne significa arbitrarimen oficialisar un del solutiones possibil e rejecter li altris quam índesirabil e genant. On standardisa solmen solutiones queles ja ha esset sanctionat per li practica."
Cosmoglotta B, 1948, p. 12. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-26 . “Translation: "Unfortunately, in 1947 we were not able to publish more than two printed editions: the enormous increase of printing costs and the difficulties transferring the credits accumulated in certain countries were the reasons why we had to be prudent about expenses...even though printing costs have increased by 5 times compared to before the war, the subscription fees have remained the same. Regretfully we have been forced to increase the subscription price this year to 8 Swiss francs..."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1948, p. 7. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-02-01 . “"Li recent evenimentes politic e li division del munde in du sectores de influentie (occidental e oriental) ha mettet nor propagatores de quelc landes in delicat situation. It ha devenit desfacil nu parlar pri un lingue de quel li nómine in cert landes evoca suspectiones in li circul politic. Pro to nor Centrale ha recivet ti-ci mensus, precipue de Tchecoslovacia, propositiones usar vice li nómine de Occidental ti de Interal (=INTER/national Auxiliari lingue)."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1948, p. 99. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-13. Alirita 2019-02-01 . “Translation: "One should not forget that the name Occidental had been selected in 1922, when it had absolutely no political significance. And today, by strange chance the title of the Occidental-Union coincides with that of a political league opposed to the Russians. It is possible that in Tallinn they considered de Wahl a person requiring police surveillance. How to protest and explain the misunderstanding from so far away?"”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1927, p. 64. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2020-10-18 . “Yo confesse que yo vide poc in li Europan cultura del ultim 1900 annus quel es tam remarcabilmen preciosi. To quo es max visibil es tyrannie, oppression, guerres e nigri superstition.”.
Kosmoglott, 1924, p. 2. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-15. Alirita 2019-02-16 . “Tal paroles nu ancor ne tro numerosi, ja in li secul passat ha augmentat in grand quantitá, e in futur va crescer in exorbitant proportion, quande, per li international comunication, li idées del stabil oriental cultures va inundar e influer li maladi Europa, quel just nu perdi su equilibrie.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1937. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-29 . “JAPAN: Kokusaigo-Kenkyusho, Daita 11-784, Setagaya, TOKIO (Pch. Tokio 62 061)”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1949, p.108. Arkivita el la originalo je 2020-07-24. Alirita 2020-10-18 . “In ti témpor yo esset in Sydney, e pro que yo havet grand interesse por li indigenes e volet converter mi blanc fratres a un bon opinion pri ili, yo scrit in li presse pri ti heroic action e comparat li brutalitá del blanc rasse con li conciliantie e self-sacrificie del negros.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1949, p. 112. Arkivita el la originalo je 2020-07-24. Alirita 2019-02-09 . “English translation: "91% of the voters have adopted the proposition of the Senate of the Occidental Union, i.e. the new name: INTERLINGUE. The usage of the name INTERLINGUE, or if one wishes INTERLINGUE (Occ.) is valid from 1.9.1949."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 101. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Inter omni projectes, Occidental es li sol quel in altissim gradu ha penat satisfar li amalgamation del du quasi contradictori postulates: regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1938, p. 64. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Do secun li principies fundamental de Occidental: «junter quant possibil regularitá e naturalitá», just li form «radica» es li sol rect e apt por ti parol.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 76. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Nu, si li europan popules va un die introducter un tal radical ortografic reforma in su lingues quam li turcos, it va esser natural que anc li lingue international va secuer ti reforma, ma til tande, noi pensa, noi have ancor sufficent témpor e prefere ne chocar li publica e destructer li etymologie, do li regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 10. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Qui in li divers revues interlinguistic...retrosecue li labores de Wahl til lor origines, ti va constatar, que li autor de Occidental ja in su unesim publicationes esset un consecuent representant e protagonist del strict naturalitá del futuri lingue international; ma in contrast a altri interlinguistes del camp naturalistic, Wahl ha sempre accentuat que ti ci naturalitá deve accordar con plen regularitá del structura del lingue.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1935, p. 14. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-12. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Occidental esset publicat de Prof. E. de Wahl in 1922. It ha monstrat nos que li vocabularium del grand lingues de civilisation posse esser regularisat per un sistema de derivation admirabilmen simplic, sin arbitrari formes, sin inventet regules». Pro to Occidental es un excellent combination de naturalitá e regularitá. Ti du caracteres merita esser expresset in li insigne e yo proposi representar ti du atributes per li equigambi rect-triangul sur li diametre de un circul. Li equigambie expresse que li naturalitá e li regularitá esset tractat con egal cuidas per sr. de Wahl.”.
Kosmoglott, 1923, p. 9. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-30 . “Traduko: "Sed mi ne komprenas kial la vorto "celibatario" ne konvenas al Ido. Se oni havas la radikon "celibat" oni derivas vortojn kiel "legatario, milionario" ktp. en la sama maniero. Iu, kiu ŝatas M. de B[eaufront] ne komprenas la sencon de la sufikso en "secundari" povas lerni la vorton entute, kiel oni faras en Ido, sed mi opinias, ke estas pli bone havi eble iom ŝanĝantan sufikson ol lerni 100 novan radikon. vortoj, kie mi neniam scias, ĉu la inventintoj en unu kazo preferis internacian vorton aŭ en alia "logikan" novan formadon, kiun mi neniam povis eĉ imagi."”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “Male al la “Regul De Wahl”, kiu ebligas en Interlingue regulajn derivaĵojn, Interlingua konservas plurajn radikojn, ekz. ag/act (agente/actor), frang/fract (frangibil/fraction), ung/unct (unguento/unction), tiel ke sen lingvistikaj antaŭscioj pri infinitiva kaj supina formoj oni ne povas diveni la ĝustan rezulton.”.
Kosmoglott, 1925, p.40. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-02-19 . “Translation: "I found the most precise sense of "-atu" for example no earlier than 1924 ... maybe with time I will also find the precise sense of "-il, -esc, -itudo", etc."”.
Kosmoglott, 1924, p. 14. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-02-07 . “Translation: "He asserts that Occidental, despite being easily readable, is very difficult to write and that one could hardly find 10 people in the world able to write it without errors. Well, with me alone there is already three times that number corresponding in good Occidental."”.
Helvetia, January 1930. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2020-09-04 . “"...Occ. esset unesimli propagat per Germanes, Austrianes, Svedes, Tchecoslovacos e solmen ante du annus ha penetrat in Francia."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1931, p. 92. Arkivita el la originalo je 2020-10-27. Alirita 2020-10-22 . “Un commercial firma in Tchecoslovacia scri spontanmen al redaction: "Mi firma...opera in Italia solmen per li medium de Occidental, e to in omni romanic states. To es un miraculos fact. Vu posse scrir a omni romano in Occidental e il va comprender vor idées."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1948, pg. 5. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-03. Alirita 2019-01-20 . “(Translation) Regrettably, public propagation of Occidental was not possible in Germany from 1935 (the year when artificial languages were banned in Germany) until the end of the war...”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 12.Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation öf the last pre-war Occidental postcard from Austria sent to Switzerland in December 1938: "My sadness from not being able to continue my interlinguistic work continues and has made me almost melancholic. Please do not send me mail in Occidental."
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 109.Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation: "The reality is that Occidental, like the other international languages, is prohibited in Germany, that the Occidental societies have been disbanded there (also in Czechoslovakia and Austria) even before the war, and that only regime change in those countries will make Occidental propagation a possibility again.
Cosmoglotta A, 1948, p. 122. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-03-24. Alirita 2019-02-02 . “English translation: The final exchange of telegrams between us was your telegram in March 1938 where you asked me if I would go to The Hague to participate in the IALA conference, and my quick negative response, not followed by a letter explaining why. You certainly had guessed the cause, but you cannot know what actually happened. Immediately after the coming of Hitler I had the "honour", as president of an international organisation, to be watched by the Gestapo, which interrogated me multiple times and searched through my house, confiscating a large part of my correspondence and my interlinguistic material."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1948, p. 33.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-16 . “Translation: "I myself lost my entire rich Occidental-Interlingue possessions in 1936 through home raids by the infamous Gestapo...How thankful you must be to your governments which have avoided such catastrophes that our land (Germany) has suffered, one after another, for 35 years now."”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “"Post la okupo de Tallinn per sovetia armeo estis deportita kaj malaperinta la edzino de De Wahl, lia domo komplete forbruliĝis dum bombardado, detruiĝis lia riĉa biblioteko kaj manuskriptoj. Post la alveno de naziaj trupoj De Wahl rifuzis translokiĝon al Germanio kaj estis enkarcerigita. Por savi lin, liaj amikoj lasis proklami lin mense malsana. En la jaro 1944, 77-jaraĝa, li eniris sanatorion Seewald apud Tallinn kaj restis tie ankaŭ post la milito, ne havante propran loĝejon"”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1946, p.8.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-07. Alirita 2018-12-22 . “English translation: "At the assembly of the Swiss Association for Occidental in Bienne it was noted with satisfaction that despite the war the cooperation at least with the Swedish worldlanguage friends was always able to be maintained, in that the letters and telegrams written in Occidental passed by the censors without problem."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 119.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-13. Alirita 2018-12-22 . “English translation: "When I arrived in Prague after my escape from the concentration of Leitmeritz, I had literally nothing except a ragged prison uniform, the so-called "pyjama" of the prison camps...Soon after I arrived in Prague I published an ad to search friends of the international language..."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 83.. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2018-12-22 . “English translation: "The letters from France are starting to arrive in Switzerland. Especially appreciated are those from Mr. Lerond, a teacher in Bréville tra Donville (Manche) and from Mr. René Chabaud, who happily returned safe and sound from a prison camp in Germany."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1943, p. 85:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine English translation: "Because the president and secretary of the Academy are located in countries in a state of war, the leading Occidentalists of the neutral countries, Switzerland and Sweden, believe it necessary to set up an INTERIM ACADEMY which will function until the other will be able to resume its work. The decisions of this interim academy will be conditional, i.e.: must be validated by the regular Academy after the war, and due to that it will deliver to it all documents justifying its decisions, with detailed reasons."
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 3:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation: "For some hundreds of international words there are two forms between which it is not easy to know which one is better. E. de Wahl wisely wrote both in the first dictionaries, with the intention to let practice make the decision."
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 67:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine "...li standardisation del lingue have su natural límites. "Standardisar li lingue ne significa arbitrarimen oficialisar un del solutiones possibil e rejecter li altris quam índesirabil e genant. On standardisa solmen solutiones queles ja ha esset sanctionat per li practica."
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “Alphonse Matejka konstatis, ke la publikigita vortprovizo de Interlingua en 90% kongruas kun tiu de Interlingue, se oni ne rigardas ortografion (historian kaj simpligitan) kaj uzon de finaj vokaloj.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1948, p. 12. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-26 . “Translation: "Unfortunately, in 1947 we were not able to publish more than two printed editions: the enormous increase of printing costs and the difficulties transferring the credits accumulated in certain countries were the reasons why we had to be prudent about expenses...even though printing costs have increased by 5 times compared to before the war, the subscription fees have remained the same. Regretfully we have been forced to increase the subscription price this year to 8 Swiss francs..."”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1948, p. 7. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-02-01 . “"Li recent evenimentes politic e li division del munde in du sectores de influentie (occidental e oriental) ha mettet nor propagatores de quelc landes in delicat situation. It ha devenit desfacil nu parlar pri un lingue de quel li nómine in cert landes evoca suspectiones in li circul politic. Pro to nor Centrale ha recivet ti-ci mensus, precipue de Tchecoslovacia, propositiones usar vice li nómine de Occidental ti de Interal (=INTER/national Auxiliari lingue)."”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “"La postmilita divido de Eŭropo en orientan kaj okcidentan sektoron sentigis la nomon “Occidental” propagando por kapitalisma okcidento, tial venis proponoj ŝanĝi la nomon."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1948, p. 99. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-13. Alirita 2019-02-01 . “Translation: "One should not forget that the name Occidental had been selected in 1922, when it had absolutely no political significance. And today, by strange chance the title of the Occidental-Union coincides with that of a political league opposed to the Russians. It is possible that in Tallinn they considered de Wahl a person requiring police surveillance. How to protest and explain the misunderstanding from so far away?"”.
Biographias: Ric(hard) Berger. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-13. Alirita 2020-12-18 . “Postea, de 1934 a 1950, ille esseva co-redactor del magazin del Occidental-Union, "Cosmoglotta", e esseva le interprenditor in 1948 quando occidental - presentate per le estoniano Edgar de Wahl - cambiava nomine a interlingue.”.
Cosmoglotta, summer 2000. Arkivita el la originalo je 2018-12-15. Alirita 2018-12-13 . “Proque yo esperat que noi vell posser un vez fusionar con Interlingua, ti-ci nov nómine devet facilisar li transition por nor membres, evitante talmen, coram li publica, un nov radical changeament de nómine. Yo dunc proposit, in februar 1948, in Cosmoglotta, remplazzar li nómine Occidental per Interlingue malgré li oposition del presidente del Academie.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1949, p. 112. Arkivita el la originalo je 2020-07-24. Alirita 2019-02-09 . “English translation: "91% of the voters have adopted the proposition of the Senate of the Occidental Union, i.e. the new name: INTERLINGUE. The usage of the name INTERLINGUE, or if one wishes INTERLINGUE (Occ.) is valid from 1.9.1949."”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “"...la simileco inter ambaŭ interlingvoj estas tiom granda, ke certe eblos iu racia sintezo inter ili, konkludis Matejka en 1951...La senato de Interlingue-Union kaj la Interlingue-Academie pritraktis la proponojn, ke (1) Interlingue Union iĝu kolektiva membro de IALA kaj (2) Interlingue-Union restu favora al estonta aktiveco de IALA kaj morale subtenu ĝin. La unua propono ne estis akceptita, sed jes la dua, do praktike kunlaboro kaj subteno de Interlingua."”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1927, p. 64. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2020-10-18 . “Yo confesse que yo vide poc in li Europan cultura del ultim 1900 annus quel es tam remarcabilmen preciosi. To quo es max visibil es tyrannie, oppression, guerres e nigri superstition.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1949, p.108. Arkivita el la originalo je 2020-07-24. Alirita 2020-10-18 . “In ti témpor yo esset in Sydney, e pro que yo havet grand interesse por li indigenes e volet converter mi blanc fratres a un bon opinion pri ili, yo scrit in li presse pri ti heroic action e comparat li brutalitá del blanc rasse con li conciliantie e self-sacrificie del negros.”.
Kosmoglott, 1924, p. 2. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-15. Alirita 2019-02-16 . “Tal paroles nu ancor ne tro numerosi, ja in li secul passat ha augmentat in grand quantitá, e in futur va crescer in exorbitant proportion, quande, per li international comunication, li idées del stabil oriental cultures va inundar e influer li maladi Europa, quel just nu perdi su equilibrie.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1937. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-29 . “JAPAN: Kokusaigo-Kenkyusho, Daita 11-784, Setagaya, TOKIO (Pch. Tokio 62 061)”.
Wahl, E. de. (1925) Radicarium directiv del lingue international (Occidental) in 8 lingues.. OCLC185538723.
Pigal, Engelbert. (1950) Interlingue (Occidental), die Weltsprache. Vienna, Austria: Gesellschaft Cosmoglotta, p. 4. OCLC67940249. “Schließlich wurde aus Gründen der Neutralität mit 1. September 1949 der Name der Sprache in Interlingue geändert.”.