Ellmann (1982), pp. 60, 190, 340, 342; Cf. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Wordsworth 1992, Intro. & Notes J. Belanger, 2001, 136, n. 309: "Synopsis Philosophiae ad mentem D. Thomae Tio ŝajnas aludo al Elementa Philosophiae ad mentem D. Thomae Aquinatis, selekto de la verkoj de Tomaso de Akvino eldonitaj kaj publikigitaj de G. M. Mancini," profesoro de teologio ĉe la Papa Universitato Sankta Tomaso de Akvino en Romo (vidu The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Vol V, Year 32, No. 378, Junio 1899, p. 570
Informilo Esperanto por UN[rompita ligilo], Numero 29, julio 2017
Wayback, 20070401041950 http://www.feisceoil.ie/history/Arkivigite je 2007-04-01 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine History of the Feis Ceoil Association. Siemens Feis Ceoil Association. 1a de Aprilo 2007, versio konsultita el Internet archive la 9an de Novembro 2009.
(angla) "Among those associated with Joyce are at least 14 languages : English, Irish, Italian, German, French, Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish and Old English. Not sure about some of them (Chinese, Japanese) and other tongues, pretty sure he was into Esperanto too". En : Which languages did James Joyce know? (Kiujn lingvojn parolis James Joyces ?), AskMetaFilter.com, 1-a de novembro 2010.
La literatura administranto de la havaĵo de Joyce, nome Stephen J. Joyce, bruligis leterojn verkitajn de Lucia kiujn li ricevis post la morto de Lucia en 1982. (Stanley, Alessandra. "Poet Told All; Therapist Provides the Record," The New York Times, 15a Julio 1991. Konsultita la 9an de Julio 2007). Stephen Joyce asertis per letero al la eldonisto de The New York Times ke "Regarding the destroyed correspondence, these were all personal letters from Lucia to us. They were written many years after both Nonno and Nonna [i.e. Mr and Mrs Joyce] died and did not refer to them. Also destroyed were some postcards and one telegram from Samuel Beckett to Lucia. This was done at Sam's written request." Joyce, Stephen, "The Private Lives of Writers" (Letter to the Editor), The New York Times. Kontrolita 9a de Novembro 2009.
Wayback, 20070401041950 http://www.feisceoil.ie/history/Arkivigite je 2007-04-01 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine History of the Feis Ceoil Association. Siemens Feis Ceoil Association. 1a de Aprilo 2007, versio konsultita el Internet archive la 9an de Novembro 2009.