Baum, Doug, 1a de Novembro 2018, The Art of Saddling a Camel [1]Arkivigite je 2018-12-10 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine en gazeto Saudi Aramco World, 10a de Decembro 2018
Bulliet, Richard. [1975] (20a de Majo 1990) The Camel and the Wheel, Morningside Book Series. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-07235-9. “As has already been mentioned, this type of utilization [camels pulling wagons] goes back to the earliest known period of two-humped camel domestication in the third millennium B.C.”.
—Nou, ke Bulliet havas multe pli da referencoj al frua uzado de kameloj
Murray, Archibald James. (1920) Sir Archibald Murray's despatches (Junio 1916 – Junio 1917). J.M. Dent, p. [htt:// 123]. “A great deal of the work of supplying the troops on both fronts has been done by the Camel Transport Corps”.
Bulliet, Richard W.. (1975) The Camel and the Wheel. Columbia University Press, p. [htt:// 23], 25, 28, 35–36, 38–40. ISBN 9780231072359.
Aleme, A., D., 2013. A Review of Camel Meat as a Precious Source of Nutrition in some part of Ethiopia. Agricultural Science, Engineering and Technology Research. Vol. 1, No. 4, Decembro 2013, PP: 40–43. Disponebla rete en Agricultural Science, Engineering and Technology Research. Arkivita el la originalo je 2016-12-03. Alirita 2016-12-03 .
(18-a de decembro2011) “Camel bite injuries in United Arab Emirates: A 6 year prospective study”, Injury (Epub ahead of print) 43 (9), p. 1617. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2011.10.039. “The male mature camel has a specialized inflatable diverticulum of the soft palate called the "Dulla". and During rutting the Dulla enlarges on filling with air from the trachea until it hangs out of the mouth of the camel and comes to resemble a pink ball. This occurs in only the one-humped camel. Copious saliva turns to foam covering the mouth as the male gurgles and makes metallic sounds. [6 citaĵoj al 5 referencoj nuligitaj]”.
(2019-09-18) “Old World camels in a modern world – a balancing act between conservation and genetic improvement”, Animal Genetics50 (6), p. 598–612. doi:10.1111/age.12858.
(2014) “Genetic diversity and population structure of Mongolian domestic Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus)”, Anim Genet45 (4), p. 550–558. doi:10.1111/age.12158.
(1976) “Unique properties of the camel erythrocyte membraneII. Organization of membrane proteins”, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes426, p. 647–58. doi:10.1016/0005-2736(76)90129-2.
Camel Milk. Milk & Dairy Products. FAO's Animal Production and Health Division (25a de Septembro 2012). Arkivita el la originalo je 1a de Novembro 2012. Alirita 6a de Decembro 2012 .
Arkivigite je 2012-11-01 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineArkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2012-11-01. Alirita 2020-12-26 .
The Posts at Benicia. The California State Military Museum. Arkivita el la originalo je 28a de Septembro 2012. Alirita 4a de Decembro 2012 .
Herodoto (440 a.K.). The History of Herodotus, Rawlinson, George (trad.). “He collected together all the camels that had come in the train of his army to carry the provisions and the baggage, and taking off their loads, he mounted riders upon them accoutred as horsemen. These he commanded to advance in front of his other troops against the Lydian horse; behind them were to follow the foot soldiers, and last of all the cavalry. When his arrangements were complete, he gave his troops orders to slay all the other Lydians who came in their way without mercy, but to spare Croesus and not kill him, even if he should be seized and offer resistance. The reason why Cyrus opposed his camels to the enemy's horse was because the horse has a natural dread of the camel, and cannot abide either the sight or the smell of that animal. By this stratagem he hoped to make Croesus's horse useless to him, the horse being what he chiefly depended on for victory. The two armies then joined battle, and immediately the Lydian war-horses, seeing and smelling the camels, turned round and galloped off; and so it came to pass that all Croesus's hopes withered away.”.
Cameliers and camels at war. New Zealand History online. History Group of the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage (30a de Aŭgusto 2009). Arkivita el la originalo je 16a de Marto 2012. Alirita 5a de Decembro 2012 .
Cameliers and camels at war. New Zealand History online, p. 1, 2, 4, 5. History Group of the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage (30a de Aŭgusto 2009). Arkivita el la originalo je 16a de Marto 2012. Alirita 5a de Decembro 2012 .
. In Mongolian the Word 'Gobi' Means 'Desert'. Arkivita el la originalo je 3a de Marto 2013. Alirita 6 December 2012 . “As evening approaches we are offered camel meat boats, dumplings stuffed with a finely chopped mixture of meat and vegetables, followed by camel milk tea and finally, warm fresh camel's milk to aid digestion and help us sleep.”.
Arkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2013-03-03. Alirita 2020-12-26 .
(Decembro 2007) “Sons of the Clouds”, Red Pepper. Alirita 6a de Decembro 2012..
. Camel burgers in Abu Dhabi. Time Out Abu Dhabi (17a de Septembro 2012). Arkivita el la originalo je 27a de Septembro 2013. Alirita 7a de Decembro 2012 .
. Camelus bactrianus. Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (2000). Arkivita el la originalo je 26a de Majo 2013. Alirita 4a de Decembro 2012 .
. Camelus bactrianus. Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (2000). Arkivita el la originalo je 26a de Majo 2013. Alirita 4a de Decembro 2012 .
Baum, Doug, 1a de Novembro 2018, The Art of Saddling a Camel [1]Arkivigite je 2018-12-10 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine en gazeto Saudi Aramco World, 10a de Decembro 2018
Cameliers and camels at war. New Zealand History online. History Group of the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage (30a de Aŭgusto 2009). Arkivita el la originalo je 16a de Marto 2012. Alirita 5a de Decembro 2012 .
The Posts at Benicia. The California State Military Museum. Arkivita el la originalo je 28a de Septembro 2012. Alirita 4a de Decembro 2012 .
Cameliers and camels at war. New Zealand History online, p. 1, 2, 4, 5. History Group of the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage (30a de Aŭgusto 2009). Arkivita el la originalo je 16a de Marto 2012. Alirita 5a de Decembro 2012 .
Camel Milk. Milk & Dairy Products. FAO's Animal Production and Health Division (25a de Septembro 2012). Arkivita el la originalo je 1a de Novembro 2012. Alirita 6a de Decembro 2012 .
Arkivigite je 2012-11-01 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineArkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2012-11-01. Alirita 2020-12-26 .
. In Mongolian the Word 'Gobi' Means 'Desert'. Arkivita el la originalo je 3a de Marto 2013. Alirita 6 December 2012 . “As evening approaches we are offered camel meat boats, dumplings stuffed with a finely chopped mixture of meat and vegetables, followed by camel milk tea and finally, warm fresh camel's milk to aid digestion and help us sleep.”.
Arkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2013-03-03. Alirita 2020-12-26 .
Aleme, A., D., 2013. A Review of Camel Meat as a Precious Source of Nutrition in some part of Ethiopia. Agricultural Science, Engineering and Technology Research. Vol. 1, No. 4, Decembro 2013, PP: 40–43. Disponebla rete en Agricultural Science, Engineering and Technology Research. Arkivita el la originalo je 2016-12-03. Alirita 2016-12-03 .
. Camel burgers in Abu Dhabi. Time Out Abu Dhabi (17a de Septembro 2012). Arkivita el la originalo je 27a de Septembro 2013. Alirita 7a de Decembro 2012 .