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Support for British nationals abroad: a guide. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (2013). Arkivita el la originalo je 19a de Oktobro 2013. “We may also help Commonwealth nationals in non-Commonwealth countries where they do not have any diplomatic or consular representation, but will normally ask their nearest embassy to provide any ongoing assistance required.”.
Arkivigite je 2013-10-19 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineArkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2013-10-19. Alirita 2021-02-02 .
Support for British nationals abroad: a guide. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (2013). Arkivita el la originalo je 19a de Oktobro 2013. “We may also help Commonwealth nationals in non-Commonwealth countries where they do not have any diplomatic or consular representation, but will normally ask their nearest embassy to provide any ongoing assistance required.”.
Arkivigite je 2013-10-19 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineArkivita kopio. Arkivita el la originalo je 2013-10-19. Alirita 2021-02-02 .