Konstruita lingvo (Esperanto Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Konstruita lingvo" in Esperanto language version.

Global rank Esperanto rank
699th place
588th place
121st place
75th place
3,245th place
283rd place
7,047th place
472nd place






  • "Constructed language (etymology: see language. The verb “construct” is derived from Latin com- “with, together” and struere “to build”)—typically, a language (Einzelsprache) that was constructed by a single person or institution for the purpose of ensuring “neutral” (that is, not connected to a state language or a nation’s language) communication (for instance, Esperanto). To some extent it is a misnomer because all Einzelsprachen (languages) are constructed. The difference is that people tend to believe (wrongly) that national languages and state (official) languages are “natural,” either a product of nature or a divinity’s will. They contrast them to constructed languages that are labelled as “artificial,” meaning “man-made.” But all languages (Einzelsprachen) are man-made. In this context the only natural (biological) element is Ø language.", en: Project Muse, Words in Space and Time, Glossary. p. 9,
  • En: Enkonduko al "Words in Space and Time: A Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe" (Vortoj en Spaco kaj Tempo: Historia atlaso de lingva politiko en moderna centra Eŭropo), 2021, Central European University Press, ISBN 9789633864180, rete legebla versio ĉi tie. Libro kiu povas ankaŭ helpi pli bone kompreni la historion de Esperanto.

