Brian T. Carey, Joshua Allfree kaj John Cairns, Warfare in the Ancient World (“Milito en la antikva mondo”), Pen and Sword, 2011. Alirita la dek-naŭan de januaro 2006. (ISBN 1848846304)
W.S. McCullough, “Ahasureus” (angla) en Encyclopædia Iranica, 28-an de julio 2011: "There may be some factual nucleus behind the Esther narrative, but the book in its present form displays such inaccuracies and inconsistencies that it must be described as a piece of historical fiction."
Littman, R. J., The Religious Policy of Xerxes and the "Book of Esther" (“La Religia Politiko de Kserkso kaj la Libro de Ester”), The Jewish Quarterly Review, januaro 1975, nova serio, Tomo 65, N-ro 3, piednoto 2, alirita la 30-a decembro 2022