(May 1996) Réalités. Spectacle du monde. “Les Américains ne lâchant pas prise, le gouvernement libanais interdisait officiellement la culture du pavot et du kanabo en 1992.”.
United Nations. Commission on Narcotic Drugs. (1949) Summary of Annual Reports of Governments Relating to Opium and Other Narcotic Drugs. “TUNISIA 18. A Decree de 23 aprilo 1953“ (published en la Journal Officiel Tunisien de 28 aprilo 1953) prohibits la Kultivado de kanabo kaj la uzo de takrouri (kanabo) kaj specifies la conditions laŭwhich ...”.
Law on Drugs Management (Drug Control). Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-08-03. Alirita 16 julio 2017 . “Article 2 : Except for the cases of the article 14, the cultivation of opium poppy, cocoa plants, Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa in the Kingdom of Cambodia, shall be prohibited.”.
Recreational drugs in Cambodia. Alirita 16 julio 2017 . “Foreigners are rarely prosecuted for small amounts of marijuana, but expect to pay a few bribes if you do get caught.”.
Law on Drugs Management (Drug Control). Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-08-03. Alirita 16 julio 2017 . “Article 2 : Except for the cases of the article 14, the cultivation of opium poppy, cocoa plants, Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa in the Kingdom of Cambodia, shall be prohibited.”.