White Hmong phonology: Golston, Chris; Phong Yang. (2001) “Hmong loanword phonology”, in: C. Féry, A. D. Green, and R. van de Vijver (eds.),: Proceedings of HILP 5, 12‑a eldono, Potsdam: University of Potsdam, p. 40–57. ISBN 3-935024-27-4. [1] Green Mong phonology: Smalley, William et.al. Mother of Writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. p. 48-51. See also: Mortensen, David. “Preliminaries to Mong Leng (Hmong Njua) Phonology” Unpublished, UC Berkeley. 2004.
White Hmong phonology: Golston, Chris; Phong Yang. (2001) “Hmong loanword phonology”, in: C. Féry, A. D. Green, and R. van de Vijver (eds.),: Proceedings of HILP 5, 12‑a eldono, Potsdam: University of Potsdam, p. 40–57. ISBN 3-935024-27-4. [1] Green Mong phonology: Smalley, William et.al. Mother of Writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. p. 48-51. See also: Mortensen, David. “Preliminaries to Mong Leng (Hmong Njua) Phonology” Unpublished, UC Berkeley. 2004.
Ekzemploj sen steloj venas el: Kan, Xiong, & Kohnert. "Comparison of the Cues Between Hmong and English." Chart. Hmong-English Bilingual Speakers; Resources for Speech-Language Pathologists, Educators, and Parents. University of Minnesota. <http://www.tc.umn.edu/~kanx0004/index_files/languagecuesL1L2.htmArkivigite je 2008-04-09 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine>. 2006.
Ekzemploj sen steloj venas el: Kan, Xiong, & Kohnert. "Comparison of the Cues Between Hmong and English." Chart. Hmong-English Bilingual Speakers; Resources for Speech-Language Pathologists, Educators, and Parents. University of Minnesota. <http://www.tc.umn.edu/~kanx0004/index_files/languagecuesL1L2.htmArkivigite je 2008-04-09 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine>. 2006.