"Tradicionalmente, se considera al estilo de lucha sumo como el deporte nacional" «Japón»Conoce Japón. Konsultita la 19an de julio 2014.
angle "Way back in 1991 volleyball was declared as the national sport of Sri Lanka" «Dialog assures future of VB»Daily News. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.
angle "Now, he is working as the Baseball Development Officer, aiming to keep baseball as the most popular sport in Palau" «Development Officer's page»Arkivigite je 2016-03-04 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineFox Sports. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.
«Uruguay Law 17958 of 21 April 2006» (angle). Global Legal Information Network. [4]Arkivigite je 2010-06-21 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Konsultita la 14an de julio 2014.
(angle) "However, the biggest sport in Estonia is basketball". Jarvis, Howard; Oates, John. «DK Eyewitness Travel: Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania». Dorling Kindersley Limited, Inglaterra, 2011. [5] Konsultita la 18-jul-2014.
«LEY 613 DE 2000». Congreso de Colombia. [3]Arkivigite je 2012-10-30 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Konsultita la 5an de julio 2008.
angle "The game commonly known as ice hockey is hereby recognized and declared to be the national winter sport of Canada" «National Sports of Canada Act»Justice Laws Website. Konsultita la 19an de julio 2014.
angle "the game commonly known as lacrosse is hereby recognized and declared to be the national summer sport of Canada" «National Sports of Canada Act»Justice Laws Website. Konsultita la 19an de julio 2014.
angle "Ice hockey is certainly the most popular sport in Latvia" «For sport fans»[rompita ligilo]Official Latvian Tourism Portal. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.
Ministerio del Deporte (4a de oktobro 2014). «Ley 20777 de 2014» (HTML). [2] Konsultita la 12an de novembro 2014.
angle "By far, the most popular sport in Suriname is soccer (called football)" «South and Central American culture»Life Paths 360. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.
angle "On Kiribati, football is the most popular sport" «Football»Arkivigite je 2017-02-20 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineOceania Football. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.
angle "In 1966, the Public Parks and Recreation Administration and the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee awarded official recognition of the “paso fino” horse riding sport as the autochthonous sport of Puerto Rico" «Act 64 of 2000, S.B. 1856»Arkivigite je 2018-12-26 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineOffice of Legislative Services of Puerto Rico. Konsultita la 19an de julio 2014.
Federación Argentina de Pato (2012). «Decreto N° 17.468». [1][rompita ligilo] Konsultita la 19an de julio 2014.
"El fútbol, introducido en Camboya por los franceses hace décadas, continúa siendo el deporte más popular del país" «Estudiar en Camboya»Study Lands. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.
angle "In 1966, the Public Parks and Recreation Administration and the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee awarded official recognition of the “paso fino” horse riding sport as the autochthonous sport of Puerto Rico" «Act 64 of 2000, S.B. 1856»Arkivigite je 2018-12-26 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineOffice of Legislative Services of Puerto Rico. Konsultita la 19an de julio 2014.
«Uruguay Law 17958 of 21 April 2006» (angle). Global Legal Information Network. [4]Arkivigite je 2010-06-21 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Konsultita la 14an de julio 2014.
angle "On Kiribati, football is the most popular sport" «Football»Arkivigite je 2017-02-20 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineOceania Football. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.
angle "Now, he is working as the Baseball Development Officer, aiming to keep baseball as the most popular sport in Palau" «Development Officer's page»Arkivigite je 2016-03-04 per la retarkivo Wayback MachineFox Sports. Konsultita la 18an de julio 2014.