Turan, Kenneth (2003-01-24). Power and Terror—MOVIE REVIEW. Los Angeles Times . Alirita 4-a de septembro 2007 . “[Chomsky] "is so lucid" [and his] "point of view is so rarely heard.”.
Hughes, Samuel, "Speech!", 'The Pennsylvania Gazette'. Kontrolita 3-a de septembro 2007.
Flint, Anthony (1995-11-19). Divided Legacy. The Boston Globe . Arkivita el la originalo je 2007-09-26. Alirita 4-a de septembro 2007 . “Ask this intellectual radical why he is shunned by the mainstream, and he'll say that established powers have never been able to handle his brand of dissent.”.
"Möglicherweise fehlte Noam Chomsky die Zeit, sich mit dem Gegenstand (Esperanto), über den er sich hier äußerte, genauer zu befassen. (DB)" (Eble al Noam Chomsky mankis la tempo por okupiĝi pri la afero (Esperanto), pri kiu li ĉi tie esprimiĝis.) Interlinguistische Informationen 62-63 (1-2/2007), p. 26.
Kanan Makiya, Fouad Moughrabi, Adel Safty, Rex Brynen, "Letters to the Editor" in Journal of Palestine Studies,Journal of Palestine Studies via JSTOR (Vol. 23, No. 4, Summer, 1994, pp. 196-200), alirita en la 4a de Decembro 2007. Grava citaĵo: "On page 146 of my book, I clearly adopt the propaganda model developed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman..."
Wall, Richard (2004-08-17). Who's Afraid of Noam Chomsky?. LewRockwell.com. Alirita 3-a de septembro 2007 . “[Chomsky] has historically been distrusted and shunned by the US mainstream media.”.
Barsky (1997), Chapter 4. Arkivita el la originalo je 2007-12-13. Alirita 4-a de septembro 2007 . Barsky citas resumon de Edward Herman kiu ekzamenas kial "one of America's most well-known intellectuals and dissidents would be thus ignored and even ostracized by the mainstream press." For example, "Chomsky has never had an Op Ed column in the Washington Post, and his lone opinion piece in the New York Times was not an original contribution but rather excerpts from testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."
Barsky (1997), Chapter 3. Arkivita el la originalo je 2007-10-12. Alirita 4-a de septembro 2007 .
Huang, Cheng-Teh James (1982). “Logical relations in Chinese and the theory of grammar”.
Available online [1].
Platero, Paul Randolph (1978). “Missing noun phrases in Navajo”.
Available online [2].
Clark, Neil (2003-07-14). Great thinkers of our time - Noam Chomsky. New Statesman. Arkivita el la originalo je 2011-11-24. Alirita 2-a de aŭgusto 2008 . “Regarded as the father of modern linguistics, founder of the field of transformational-generative grammar, which relies heavily on logic and philosophy.”.
Clark, Neil (2003-07-14). Great thinkers of our time - Noam Chomsky. New Statesman. Arkivita el la originalo je 2011-11-24. Alirita 2-a de aŭgusto 2008 . “Regarded as the father of modern linguistics, founder of the field of transformational-generative grammar, which relies heavily on logic and philosophy.”.
Flint, Anthony (1995-11-19). Divided Legacy. The Boston Globe . Arkivita el la originalo je 2007-09-26. Alirita 4-a de septembro 2007 . “Ask this intellectual radical why he is shunned by the mainstream, and he'll say that established powers have never been able to handle his brand of dissent.”.
Barsky (1997), Chapter 4. Arkivita el la originalo je 2007-12-13. Alirita 4-a de septembro 2007 . Barsky citas resumon de Edward Herman kiu ekzamenas kial "one of America's most well-known intellectuals and dissidents would be thus ignored and even ostracized by the mainstream press." For example, "Chomsky has never had an Op Ed column in the Washington Post, and his lone opinion piece in the New York Times was not an original contribution but rather excerpts from testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."