. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “Male al la “Regul De Wahl”, kiu ebligas en Interlingue regulajn derivaĵojn, Interlingua konservas plurajn radikojn, ekz. ag/act (agente/actor), frang/fract (frangibil/fraction), ung/unct (unguento/unction), tiel ke sen lingvistikaj antaŭscioj pri infinitiva kaj supina formoj oni ne povas diveni la ĝustan rezulton.”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “En svisa katolika gimnazio en Disentis (Grizono) okazis en la jaroj 1956–1957 eksperimento pri lerntempo-longeco bezonata por Interlingue. La lernantoj, kiuj havis antaŭkonojn de la lingvoj franca, latina kaj greka, regis Interlingue skribe kaj parole post 30 instruhoroj.”.
. Autonomie e Regularitá in li Lingue International. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-15. Alirita 2020-12-22 . “We do not hesitate to form words like “ludette, plorada, substantival, plumallia, tassade, sucrage, glotton, stridore, hesitatori, successosi, flexura” etc. etc. without asking ourselves whether these words are international or not. Even when they are in fact not international, they nevertheless never have the artificial appearance that characterizes most of the derived words in Esperanto and Ido. They always represent forms that living languages would have been able to produce using their own means.”.
“Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 105”. “Occidental es li sol quel in altissim gradu ha penat satisfar li amalgamation del du quasi contradictori postulates: regularitá e naturalitá.”.
“Cosmoglotta A, 1930, p. 12"”. “Hodie, quande yo have plu quam sixant annus, yo comprende Zamenhof e regreta que il ne vive plu por posser presser le li manu. Il esset mi grand mastro e instructor, e quáncam it posse semblar que yo es su max fanatic adversario, yo self estima me quam su max fidel successor, ne in li líttere ma in li mente." Esperante: "Hodiaŭ, kiam mi havas pli ol sesdek jarojn, mi komprenas Zamonhof-on kaj bedaŭras ke li jam ne vivas por ke mi povu lin manpremi. Li estis mia granda majstro kaj instruisto, kaj kvankam povas ŝajni ke mi estas lia plej fanatika kontraŭulo, mi mem vidas min kiel lian plej fidelan posteulon, ne laŭlitere sed laŭmense."”.
“Cosmoglotta A, 1948, p.4”. “Regretabilmen un public propaganda por Occ. ne esset possibil in Germania desde 1935 (annu del interdiction del lingues artificial in Germania)"”.
“Cosmoglotta B, 1936, p. 6”. “Li "German Occidental Federation", quam altri german interlinguistic uniones, ha liquidat se secun un decret del sr. Substitut interdient a omni national-socialisticmen organisates li appartentie a tal federationes.”.
“Cosmoglotta B, 1939, p.53”. “Per un circulare in Tchec e Occidental li Club Occidental in Praha avisa su membres e amícos pri que it ha liquidat se ye li date del 30. junio 1939 e retornat a omni membres 60% de lor cotisationes.”.
“Cosmoglotta A, 1946, p. 8”. “...on constatat con satisfaction, que malgré li guerre li cooperation adminim con li svedesi amicos mundlingual sempre posset esser mantenet, in tant que lettres e telegrammas scrit in Occidental passat li censuras sin gene.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 101. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Inter omni projectes, Occidental es li sol quel in altissim gradu ha penat satisfar li amalgamation del du quasi contradictori postulates: regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1938, p. 64. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Do secun li principies fundamental de Occidental: «junter quant possibil regularitá e naturalitá», just li form «radica» es li sol rect e apt por ti parol.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 76. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Nu, si li europan popules va un die introducter un tal radical ortografic reforma in su lingues quam li turcos, it va esser natural que anc li lingue international va secuer ti reforma, ma til tande, noi pensa, noi have ancor sufficent témpor e prefere ne chocar li publica e destructer li etymologie, do li regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 10. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Qui in li divers revues interlinguistic...retrosecue li labores de Wahl til lor origines, ti va constatar, que li autor de Occidental ja in su unesim publicationes esset un consecuent representant e protagonist del strict naturalitá del futuri lingue international; ma in contrast a altri interlinguistes del camp naturalistic, Wahl ha sempre accentuat que ti ci naturalitá deve accordar con plen regularitá del structura del lingue.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1935, p. 14. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-12. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Occidental esset publicat de Prof. E. de Wahl in 1922. It ha monstrat nos que li vocabularium del grand lingues de civilisation posse esser regularisat per un sistema de derivation admirabilmen simplic, sin arbitrari formes, sin inventet regules». Pro to Occidental es un excellent combination de naturalitá e regularitá. Ti du caracteres merita esser expresset in li insigne e yo proposi representar ti du atributes per li equigambi rect-triangul sur li diametre de un circul. Li equigambie expresse que li naturalitá e li regularitá esset tractat con egal cuidas per sr. de Wahl.”.
Kosmoglott, 1923, p. 9. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-30 . “Translation: "But I do not understand why the word "celibatario" does not fit Ido. If you have the root "celibat" you derive words such as "legatario, millionario" etc. in the same way. Someone who like M. de B[eaufront] does not understand the sense of the suffix in "secundari" may learn the word as a whole, as it is done in Ido, but I think it is better to have a perhaps somewhat fluctuating suffix than to learn 100 new root words, where I never know if the inventors in one case have preferred an international word or in another a "logical" new formation that I could never even imagine."”.
Kosmoglott, 1924, p. 2. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-15. Alirita 2019-02-16 . “Tal paroles nu ancor ne tro numerosi, ja in li secul passat ha augmentat in grand quantitá, e in futur va crescer in exorbitant proportion, quande, per li international comunication, li idées del stabil oriental cultures va inundar e influer li maladi Europa, quel just nu perdi su equilibrie.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 90Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine: Translation: "Occidental being a neo-Latin language, the influence of the languages French, Italian and Spanish will probably still be greater than that of the Anglo-Saxons."
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 104Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine: Translation: "and what else is Occidental than a simplified Italian, or, to state it more generally, the simplified commonality of all Romance languages?"
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 116:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation: "Latin is dead, even though it is still used for a few limited purposes. But the mother language Latin still lives in her daughters, the Romance languages—and Occidental is one of them."
The Esperanto Book. Arkivita el la originalo je 2012-02-04. Alirita 2021-02-02 . “It should be added, in all fairness to Wahl's work, that the set of rules he developed for analyzing any derived word was simply brilliant. These rules deserve the attention of any student of any of the Romance languages, starting with Latin, inasmuch as they seem to be generally applicable to that family of languages.”.
Waringhien, Gaston, Lingvo kaj vivo. La Laguna: Stafeto, 1959. paĝoj 130-149
Angla traduko de Don Harlow[rompita ligilo]
The Esperanto Book. Arkivita el la originalo je 2012-02-04. Alirita 2021-02-02 . “It should be added, in all fairness to Wahl's work, that the set of rules he developed for analyzing any derived word was simply brilliant. These rules deserve the attention of any student of any of the Romance languages, starting with Latin, inasmuch as they seem to be generally applicable to that family of languages.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 101. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Inter omni projectes, Occidental es li sol quel in altissim gradu ha penat satisfar li amalgamation del du quasi contradictori postulates: regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1938, p. 64. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Do secun li principies fundamental de Occidental: «junter quant possibil regularitá e naturalitá», just li form «radica» es li sol rect e apt por ti parol.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 76. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Nu, si li europan popules va un die introducter un tal radical ortografic reforma in su lingues quam li turcos, it va esser natural que anc li lingue international va secuer ti reforma, ma til tande, noi pensa, noi have ancor sufficent témpor e prefere ne chocar li publica e destructer li etymologie, do li regularitá e naturalitá.”.
Cosmoglotta A, 1929, p. 10. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-11. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Qui in li divers revues interlinguistic...retrosecue li labores de Wahl til lor origines, ti va constatar, que li autor de Occidental ja in su unesim publicationes esset un consecuent representant e protagonist del strict naturalitá del futuri lingue international; ma in contrast a altri interlinguistes del camp naturalistic, Wahl ha sempre accentuat que ti ci naturalitá deve accordar con plen regularitá del structura del lingue.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1935, p. 14. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-05-12. Alirita 2021-05-11 . “Occidental esset publicat de Prof. E. de Wahl in 1922. It ha monstrat nos que li vocabularium del grand lingues de civilisation posse esser regularisat per un sistema de derivation admirabilmen simplic, sin arbitrari formes, sin inventet regules». Pro to Occidental es un excellent combination de naturalitá e regularitá. Ti du caracteres merita esser expresset in li insigne e yo proposi representar ti du atributes per li equigambi rect-triangul sur li diametre de un circul. Li equigambie expresse que li naturalitá e li regularitá esset tractat con egal cuidas per sr. de Wahl.”.
Kosmoglott, 1923, p. 9. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-04-15. Alirita 2019-01-30 . “Translation: "But I do not understand why the word "celibatario" does not fit Ido. If you have the root "celibat" you derive words such as "legatario, millionario" etc. in the same way. Someone who like M. de B[eaufront] does not understand the sense of the suffix in "secundari" may learn the word as a whole, as it is done in Ido, but I think it is better to have a perhaps somewhat fluctuating suffix than to learn 100 new root words, where I never know if the inventors in one case have preferred an international word or in another a "logical" new formation that I could never even imagine."”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “Male al la “Regul De Wahl”, kiu ebligas en Interlingue regulajn derivaĵojn, Interlingua konservas plurajn radikojn, ekz. ag/act (agente/actor), frang/fract (frangibil/fraction), ung/unct (unguento/unction), tiel ke sen lingvistikaj antaŭscioj pri infinitiva kaj supina formoj oni ne povas diveni la ĝustan rezulton.”.
Kosmoglott, 1924, p. 2. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-15. Alirita 2019-02-16 . “Tal paroles nu ancor ne tro numerosi, ja in li secul passat ha augmentat in grand quantitá, e in futur va crescer in exorbitant proportion, quande, per li international comunication, li idées del stabil oriental cultures va inundar e influer li maladi Europa, quel just nu perdi su equilibrie.”.
Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 90Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine: Translation: "Occidental being a neo-Latin language, the influence of the languages French, Italian and Spanish will probably still be greater than that of the Anglo-Saxons."
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 104Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine: Translation: "and what else is Occidental than a simplified Italian, or, to state it more generally, the simplified commonality of all Romance languages?"
Cosmoglotta B, 1944, p. 116:Arkivigite je 2021-04-15 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine Translation: "Latin is dead, even though it is still used for a few limited purposes. But the mother language Latin still lives in her daughters, the Romance languages—and Occidental is one of them."
. Autonomie e Regularitá in li Lingue International. Arkivita el la originalo je 2021-02-15. Alirita 2020-12-22 . “We do not hesitate to form words like “ludette, plorada, substantival, plumallia, tassade, sucrage, glotton, stridore, hesitatori, successosi, flexura” etc. etc. without asking ourselves whether these words are international or not. Even when they are in fact not international, they nevertheless never have the artificial appearance that characterizes most of the derived words in Esperanto and Ido. They always represent forms that living languages would have been able to produce using their own means.”.
. Latinidaj planlingvoj (AIS-kurso, 1 studunuo). Arkivita el la originalo je 2019-01-23. Alirita 2019-01-22 . “En svisa katolika gimnazio en Disentis (Grizono) okazis en la jaroj 1956–1957 eksperimento pri lerntempo-longeco bezonata por Interlingue. La lernantoj, kiuj havis antaŭkonojn de la lingvoj franca, latina kaj greka, regis Interlingue skribe kaj parole post 30 instruhoroj.”.