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The Records of the Grand Historian, Vol. 6: Annals of Qin Shi Huang. [1] The 9th year of Qin Shi Huang. 王知之,令相國昌平君、昌文君發卒攻毐。戰咸陽,斬首數百,皆拜爵,及宦者皆在戰中,亦拜爵一級。毐等敗走。
Neininger, Ulrich, Burying the Scholars Alive: On the Origin of a Confucian Martyrs’ Legend,Nation and Mythology (in East Asian Civilizations. New Attempts at Understanding Traditions), vol. 2, 1983, eld. Wolfram Eberhard et al., pp. 121–36. (ISBN 3-88676-041-3).