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Huey, R.B. (1982): Temperature, physiology, and the ecology of reptiles. Side 25-91. In Gans, C. & Pough, F.H. (red), Biology of the Reptili No. 12, Physiology (C). Academic Press, London.artikkelArkivigite je 2022-04-19 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
Huey, R.B. & Bennett, A.F. (1987): Phylogenetic studies of coadaptation: Preferred temperatures versus optimal performance temperatures of lizards. Evolution No. 4, vol 5: paĝoj 1098-1115 PDFArkivigite je 2022-09-11 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
Huey, R.B. (1982): Temperature, physiology, and the ecology of reptiles. Side 25-91. In Gans, C. & Pough, F.H. (red), Biology of the Reptili No. 12, Physiology (C). Academic Press, London.artikkelArkivigite je 2022-04-19 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine