Gottschalk-Mazouz, N. (2008): Internet and the flow of knowledge“, („Interreto kaj la fluo de scio“), en: *rachovec, H.; Pichler, . (Hg.): Filozofio de la Informa Socio. Protokoloj de la 30a Internacia Simpozio Ludwig Wittgenstein, Kirchberg ĉe Wechsel, Aŭstrio 2007. Volumo 2, Frankfurto, Parizo, Lancaster, New Brunswik: Ontos, S. 215-232. je 2015-05-24 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
Low, Colin. (1991) Notes on Kabbalah. Colin Low. “There is an eleventh "something" which is definitely not a sephira, but is often shown on modern representations of the Tree. The Cabalistic "explanation" runs as follows: when Malkuth "fell" out of the Garden of Eden it left behind a "hole" in the fabric of the Tree, and this "hole", located in the center of the Abyss, is called Daath, or Knowledge. Daath is *not* a sephira; it is a hole. This may sound like gobbledy-gook, and in the sense that it is only a metaphor, it is.”.
Part Three, No. 1831. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Arkivita el la originalo je 4a de Majo 2007. Alirita 20a de Aprilo 2007 .
The Epistemology of Religion. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University (2021). Alirita 21a de Septembro 2022 .
Swami Krishnananda Chapter 7. The Philosophy of the Panchadasi. The Divine Life Society. Arkivita el la originalo je 23a de Februaro 2017. Alirita 5a de Julio 2008 .
Gottschalk-Mazouz, N. (2008): Internet and the flow of knowledge“, („Interreto kaj la fluo de scio“), en: *rachovec, H.; Pichler, . (Hg.): Filozofio de la Informa Socio. Protokoloj de la 30a Internacia Simpozio Ludwig Wittgenstein, Kirchberg ĉe Wechsel, Aŭstrio 2007. Volumo 2, Frankfurto, Parizo, Lancaster, New Brunswik: Ontos, S. 215-232. je 2015-05-24 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
Part Three, No. 1831. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Arkivita el la originalo je 4a de Majo 2007. Alirita 20a de Aprilo 2007 .
Swami Krishnananda Chapter 7. The Philosophy of the Panchadasi. The Divine Life Society. Arkivita el la originalo je 23a de Februaro 2017. Alirita 5a de Julio 2008 .
. Gnosticism. World History Encyclopedia (9a de Aprilo, 2021). Arkivita el la originalo je 22a de Februaro 2022. Alirita 2022-02-06 .