K. De B. Codrington (oktobro 1930). “Indian Cairn- and Urn-Burials”, Man30 (30), p. 190–196. doi:10.2307/2790468. Alirita 2007-05-03.. “...at Perambair & Pallavaram a second type of burial exists in legged urns...”.
K. Sivathamby (decembro 1974). “Early South Indian Society and Economy: The Tinai Concept”, Social Scientist3 (5), p. 20–37. doi:10.2307/3516448. Alirita 2007-05-03.. “Those who ruled over small territories were called Kurunilamannar. The area ruled by such a small ruler usually corresponded to a geographical unit. In Purananuru a number of such chieftains are mentioned;..”.
Freeman, Rich (februaro 1998). “Rubies and Coral: The Lapidary Crafting of Language in Kerala”, The Journal of Asian Studies57 (1), p. 38–65. doi:10.2307/2659023. at pp. 41-43.
M. B. Emeneau, 1956, januaro-marto, India as a lingustic Area, Language, volumo 32, 1, paĝo 5, 10.2307/410649 [1] Elŝutita la 2007-05-03.
K. De B. Codrington (oktobro 1930). “Indian Cairn- and Urn-Burials”, Man30 (30), p. 190–196. doi:10.2307/2790468. Alirita 2007-05-03.. “...at Perambair & Pallavaram a second type of burial exists in legged urns...”.
K. De B. Codrington (oktobro 1930). “Indian Cairn- and Urn-Burials”, Man30 (30), p. 194. Alirita 2007-05-03.. “It is necessary to draw attention to certain passages in early Tamil literature which throw a great deal of light upon this strange burial ceremonial...”.
K. Sivathamby (decembro 1974). “Early South Indian Society and Economy: The Tinai Concept”, Social Scientist3 (5), p. 20–37. doi:10.2307/3516448. Alirita 2007-05-03.. “Those who ruled over small territories were called Kurunilamannar. The area ruled by such a small ruler usually corresponded to a geographical unit. In Purananuru a number of such chieftains are mentioned;..”.
"Malayalam first appeared in writing in the vazhappalli inscription which dates from about 830 CE." Writing Systems and Languages of the world. Omniglot. Omniglot.com. Alirita 2006-11-15 .