Originala angla citaĵo: “A fundamental difference between modem dictatorships and all other tyrannies of the past is that terror is no longer used as a means to exterminate and frighten opponents, but as an instrument to rule masses of people who are perfectly obedient.” el The origins of totalitarianismArkivigite je 2012-06-22 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine, Hannah Arendt, 1951.
Originala angla citaĵo: “A fundamental difference between modem dictatorships and all other tyrannies of the past is that terror is no longer used as a means to exterminate and frighten opponents, but as an instrument to rule masses of people who are perfectly obedient.” el The origins of totalitarianismArkivigite je 2012-06-22 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine, Hannah Arendt, 1951.