Ĝizia (Esperanto Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ĝizia" in Esperanto language version.

Global rank Esperanto rank
6th place
25th place
3rd place
6th place
4,028th place
1,545th place
1st place
1st place
2nd place
7th place
26th place
83rd place
low place
low place
354th place
766th place


  • Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad. (2010) Understanding the Qur'ān: Themes and Style. I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd, p. [htt://archive.org/details/understandingqur00hale/e/n78 70], 79. ISBN 978-1845117894.
  • M. Zawati, Hilmi. (2002) Is Jihād a Just War?: War, Peace, and Human Rights Under Islamic and Public International Law (Studies in religion & society). Edwin Mellen Press, p. [htt://archive.org/details/isjihadjustwar00zawa/e/63 63–4]. ISBN 978-0773473041.
  • Rispler-Chaim, Vardit. (2007) Disability in Islamic law. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer. ISBN 978-1402050527.
  • Walker Arnold, Thomas. (1913) Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith. Constable & Robinson Ltd. (online)
  • Abu Khalil, Shawkiy. (2006) al-Islām fī Qafaṣ al-ʾIttihām (arabe). Dār al-Fikr. ISBN 978-1575470047. Citaĵo: و يعين مقدار الجزية إعتبارا لحالتهم الإقتصادية، فيؤخد من الموسرين أكثر و من الوسط أقل منه و من الفقراء شيء قليل جدا. و على الدين لا معاش لهم أو هم عالة على غيرهم يعفون من أداء الجزية. Traduko: "La kvanto de ĝizia estas determinata konsiderante ties ekonomian statuson, kaj tiel oni prenas plie el la prospera, malpli el la meza [klaso], kaj tre malgranda kvanto el la malriĉulo (fuqaraʾ). Tiuj kiuj ne havas vivrimedon aŭ dependas el la subteno fare de aliuloj estas liberigitaj el la pago de la ĝizia." (online)
  • Abu Zahra, Muhammad. Zahrat al-Tafāsīr (arabe). Kairo: Dār al-Fikr al-ʿArabī, p. 3277–8. Citaĵo: و ما يعطيه الذمي من المال يسمى جزية؛ [...] و لأنها جزاء لأن يدفع الإسلام عنهم، و يكفيهم مئونة القتال، و لأنها جزاء لما ينفق على فقراء أهل الذمة كما كان يفعل الإمام عمر، [...] و الإسلام قام بحق التساوي بين جميع من يكونون في طاعته، فإن الجزية التي تكون على الذمي تقابل ما يكون على المسلم من تكليفات مالية، فعليه زكاة المال، و عليه صدقات و نذور، و عليه كفارات، و غير ذلك، و لو أحصى كل ما يؤخد من المسلم لتبين أنه لا يقل عما يؤخد من جزية إن لم يزد. و إن الدولة كما ذكرنا تنفق على فقراء أهل الذمة، و لقد روى أن عمر - رضي الله تعالى عنه - وجد شيخا يهوديا يتكفف، فسأله: من أنت يا شيخ؟ قال رجل من أهل الذمة، فقال له: ما أنصفناك أكلنا شبيبتك و ضيعناك في شيخوختك، و أجرى عليه رزقا مستمرا من بيت المال، و قال لخادمه: ابحت عن هذا و ضربائه، و أَجْرِ عليهم رزقا من بيت المال. Traduko: "And the money that the dhimmī gives is called jizya: [...] and [it is so named] because it is in return for the protection that they are guaranteed by the Islamic [community], and instead of rendering military service, and since it is [also] in return for what is spent on the poor amongst the dhimmī community (ahl al-dhimma) as ʾImām ʿUmar used to do. [...] and Islam gave the right of equality between all of those who are under its rule, indeed, the jizya that is demanded from the dhimmī corresponds to the financial obligations that are compulsory on the Muslim, so he is obliged [to purify] his wealth [through] zakat, and he is required to pay sadaqat and nudhur, and he is duty-bound to give kaffarat, as well as other things. And if all that is taken from the Muslim was calculated, it would become clear that it isn't less than what is taken by way of jizya, if it isn't more. And as we have mentioned earlier, the state spends on the poor amongst the dhimmī community, and it is narrated that ʿUmar - May God Almighty be pleased with him - found an elderly Jew begging, so he asked him: 'Who are you, old man (shaykh)?' He said, 'I am a man from the dhimma community.' So ʿUmar said to him: 'We have not done justice to you in taking from you when you were young and forsaking you in your old age', so ʿUmar gave him a regular pension from the public treasury (Bayt al-Māl), and he then said to his servant: "Search for him and those like him, and give them out from the public treasury.""
  • Walker Arnold, Thomas. (1913) Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith. Constable & Robinson Ltd, p. [htt://archive.org/details/eachingofislam00arno/e/60 60]–1. (online) Non-Muslims Paying Jizyah In a State of Humiliation de Bassam Zawadi https://www.call-to-monotheism.com/non_muslims_paying_jizyah_in_a_state_of_humiliation




  • Coming home to Orakzai ABDUL SAMI PARACHA, Dawn.com (JAN 05, 2010). "In December 2008, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan enforced a strict version of Islamic law in divergence of enviously guarded distinctive tribal culture in Orakzai Agency. Less than a month a later, a decree for jizya was imposed and had to be paid by all minorities if they want protection against local criminal gangs or that they had to convert to Islam."


  • (2003) “Islamic Law, Practice, and Legal Doctrine: Exempting the Poor from the Jizya under the Ayyubids (1171-1250)”, Islamic Law and Society 10 (3), p. 348–375. doi:10.1163/156851903770227584. 


  • Satish Chandra (1969), Jizyah and the State in India during the 17th Century, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 322–40, Citaĵo="Although kharaj and jizyah were sometimes treated as synonyms, a number of fourteenth century theological tracts treat them as separate"


  • Jizyah Arkivigite je 2015-09-08 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (2010), Oxford University Press, Citaĵo: Jizyah: Compensation. Poll tax levied on non-Muslims as a form of tribute and in exchange for an exemption from military service, based on Quran 9:29.


  • Jizyah Arkivigite je 2015-09-08 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (2010), Oxford University Press, Citaĵo: Jizyah: Compensation. Poll tax levied on non-Muslims as a form of tribute and in exchange for an exemption from military service, based on Quran 9:29.