Almacenamiento y reenvío (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Almacenamiento y reenvío" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
1st place
1st place
6,539th place
8,600th place

  • «Store and Forward» (html). Techopedia (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 19 de mayo de 2012. Consultado el 24 de julio de 2018. «Store and forward is a data communication technique in which a message transmitted from a source node is stored at an intermediary device before being forwarded to the destination node. The store-and-forward process enables remote hosts, data connectivity and transmission, even if there is no direct connection between the source and desitnation nodes.»

  • «Store and Forward» (html). Techopedia (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 19 de mayo de 2012. Consultado el 24 de julio de 2018. «Store and forward is a data communication technique in which a message transmitted from a source node is stored at an intermediary device before being forwarded to the destination node. The store-and-forward process enables remote hosts, data connectivity and transmission, even if there is no direct connection between the source and desitnation nodes.»