Grebenikov, Evgenii A.; Ikhsanov, Ersain V.; Prokopenya, Alexander N. (2006), «Numeric-symbolic computations in the study of central configurations in the planar Newtonian four-body problem», Computer algebra in scientific computing, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 4194, Berlin: Springer, pp. 192-204, MR2279793, doi:10.1007/11870814_16.
Grebenikov, Evgenii A.; Ikhsanov, Ersain V.; Prokopenya, Alexander N. (2006), «Numeric-symbolic computations in the study of central configurations in the planar Newtonian four-body problem», Computer algebra in scientific computing, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 4194, Berlin: Springer, pp. 192-204, MR2279793, doi:10.1007/11870814_16.