Arquidiócesis de Ancona-Osimo (Spanish Wikipedia)

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  • Rodolfo Ragnini (1920). Il duomo di ancona dopo il bombardamento del 1915: cenni storici e descrittivi (en italiano). Osimo: Officina Tipografica G. Scarponi. 
  • Lupi, Mario (1784). Josephus Ronchetti, ed. Codex diplomaticus civitatis, et ecclesiæ Bergomatis (en latin). Volumen primum. Bergamo: Vincenzo Antoine. pp. 1064-1065.  'Bishops are to create a cloister next to their church, in which they serve God along with their clergy according to the rule of canons, and they should compel their priests not to leave the church and presume to live elsewhere.'
  • Ughelli, p. 334. Cappelletti, p. 58. However, Peruzzi (p. 152) gives the title of the Bull, Ecclesiarum utilitati, and provides the date of 12 July 1216; but Honorius III had not yet been elected pope on that date. The full text, but only with the date of anno octavo (AD 1224), is given by Giuliano Saracini (1675). Notitie historiche della città d'Ancona (en italian, Latin). Roma: Tinassi. p. 193.  The date of Kalendas julii, pontificatus anno octavo (1 July 1224) is given by César Auguste Horoy, ed. (1880). Honorii III opera omnia. Medii Aevi Bibliotheca Patristica (en latin). Tomus IV. Paris: Bibliotheque ecclesiastique. pp. 681, no. 249. 
  • Benedictus XIV (1842). «Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate». Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (en latin). Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42-49.  George Phillips (1849). Die Diöcesansynode (en alemán). Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. pp. 1-23. 
  • Conti, Giannicolò (1675). Anconitana synodus ab Eminentiss. et Reverendiss. Domino D. Ioanne Nicolao ... Cardinali de Comitibvs, Anconitano Episcopo ... habita die 4. & 5. Novembris M. DC. LXXIV (en latin). Ancona: ex Typographia Camerali.  Cappelletti, p. 124.
  • Massei, Bartolomeo (1738). Synodus Anconitana habita 1708 confirmata et aucta a Bartholomaes Massaei in sua Synodo celebrata diebus 26.27.28. Octobris anno 1738 (en latin). Ancona: Nicolaus Bellelli. 
  • Bussi, Giovanni Battista (1727). Synodus Anconitana celebrata diebus 15. 16. 17. et 18. Septembris anno 1726 (en latin). Rome: Antonius de Rubeis (Rossi). 
  • Bufalini, Giovanni Ottavio (1779). Synodus dioecesana ab eccellentissimo, & reverendissimo domino Johanne Octavio ... Bufalini (en latin). Romae: typis Josephi, et Aloysii Lazzarini. 
  • Bishop Paul had been a papal legate in Germany and Pannonia in 873–874, and carried papal letters for Bishop Methodius, forbidding the use of Sclavonic in the Mass. Philippus Jaffé and S. Lowenfeld, pp. 379-380, nos. 2976-2978. He was papal ambassador to Constantinople during the Photian schism, but on his return, in August 880, he was deposed by Pope John VIII. Peruzzi, p. 97. Cappelletti, pp. 32-33. Joseph Hergenröther (1867). Photius, Patriarch von Constantinopel (en german (Fraktur)). Vol. II. Regensburg: Manz. pp. 288, 298, 313, 512, 573, 618. 
  • Of a family originally from Arezzo, Pietro Accolti was born in Florence in 1455, the son of Benedetto Accolti the historian, and nephew of Francesco Accolti, the jurist. Pietro was Doctor in Laws and then professor of law at the University of Pisa. He went to Rome, and was serving as an Auditor of the Rota when named Bishop of Ancona on 4 April 1505. Accolti was named a cardinal by Pope Julius II, in a Consistory held at Ravenna on 10 March 1511. At the time he was Papal Vicar of the City of Rome, and Scriptor Apostolicarum Litterarum. He resigned the diocese of Ancona on 5 April 1514, in favor of nephew Francesco Accolti, but since Francesco was only sixteen years old, Cardinal Pietro continued in office as Administrator until 1523. He died in Rome on 11 December 1532. Lorenzo Cardella (1793). Memorie storiche de'cardinali della santa Romana chiesa (en italiano). Volume IV. Roma: Pagliarini. pp. 350-352.  The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Volume I. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. 1842. pp. 225-226.  Eubel, II, pp. 12 no.21; 87, with notes 3, 4, 5.
  • A native of Molfetta and the nephew of another Nicola Riganti who was the author of a commentary on the rules of the Apostolic Camera, Riganti held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure, and was a Protonotary Apostolic. He served in various offices in the Roman Curia, in particular as a judge in the Apostolic Camera (Finance Ministry). He was secretary of the Congregation of the Consulta, the supreme court in civil and criminal matters for subjects of the Papal States. At the age of 72, he was named a cardinal and Bishop of Ancona on the same day, 8 March 1816. He was consecrated a bishop on 21 April by Pope Pius VII. Having suffered a stroke in 1819, he was taken to Rome, while his duties in Ancona were taken over by the titular Bishop of Lydda, Msgr. Francesco de'Conti Pichi. Riganti died in Rome on 31 August 1822, and was buried in S. Maria sopra Minerva. Gaetano Moroni (1852). Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica (en italiano). Vol. LVII: Ref-Rin. Venezia: Tipografia Emiliana. pp. 243-244.  Cappelletti, p. 171. Peruzzi, pp. 138-139. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 73.
  • A native of Corneto, Falzacappa had previously been a Canon of the Vatican Basilica, and then titular Archbishop of Athens (1819–1823). He was appointed a cardinal and Archbishop (personal title) of Ancona on the same day, 10 March 1823. He resigned the diocese of Ancona on 23 May 1824. Vercellone remarks that his membership in numerous bodies in the Roman Curia was the reason: in realtà sussistevano valide ragioni per evitare il suo allontanamento da Roma. Infatti era membro attivo di numerose congregazioni permanenti, come la Concistoriale, il S. Offizio, il Concilio, le Immunità, l'Indice, i Riti, il Cerimoniale, l'Esame dei vescovi, il Buon Governo e le Acque, oltre che di molte congregazioni straordinarie. He died in Rome, where he had been named Suburbicarian Bishop of Porto and Santa Rufina as well as Prefect of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, on 18 November 1840. Gaetano Moroni, ed. (1843). Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica (en italiano). Vol. XXIII. Venezia: Tipografia Emiliana. pp. 21-22.  Peruzzi, p. 139. Ritzler-Sefrin, VII, pp. 73, 93. Guido Fagioli Vercellone, "Falzacappa, Giovanni Francesco," in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 44 (1994)
  • Born in Ancona in 1768, the son of Marchese Alessandro Nembrini Pironi Gonzaga and Maria Trionfi, Cesare Nembrini was educated in Recanati and then in Bologna at the Collegio Montalto. He served as civil governor of several cities in the Papal States under Pius VI and Pius VII. He was named Bishop of Ancona on 24 May 1824 by Pope Leo XII, and appointed a cardinal on 27 July 1829 by Pope Pius VIII. He died in Umana in the episcopal residence on 5 December 1837. Gaetano Moroni, ed. (1847). Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica (en italiano). Vol. XLVII: Mos-Nic. Venezia: Tipografia Emiliana. pp. 264-265.  Peruzzi, pp. 137-143. Ritzler-Sefrin, VII, p. 73.
  • Antonucci: Ritzler-Sefrin, VII, p. 193; VIII, 53, 99. Martin Bräuer (2014). Handbuch der Kardinäle: 1846-2012 (en alemán). Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 62. ISBN 978-3-11-026947-5. 
  • Manara was a native of Bologna, son of a painter. His father had to supplement his income from commissions by teaching art in the municipal school of Lugo, where Achille had his early education. He attended the University of Bologna, enjoying the patronage of the Bishop of Lugo, Giovanni Mastai-Ferretti (later Pope Pius IX), and obtained a doctorate in theology and the doctorate in Civil and Canon Law (1855). He was named a Canon of the Collegiate Church of S. Petronio in Bologna by Pius IX in 1855. He served in the diocese of Bologna as ecclesastical judge, Chancellor, and pro-Vicar General. He was appointed Bishop of Ancona on 12 May 1879 by Pope Leo XIII, and named cardinal on 29 November 1895. He died on 15 February 1906. Albert Battandier, ed. (1907). Annuaire pontifical catholique 1907 (en francés). Paris: La Bonne Presse. p. 645.  Ritzler-Sefrin, VIII, pp. 51, 99. Bräuer, Handbuch der Kardinäle, p. 175.
  • A native of Milan, Giardini had been Apostolic Delegate in Tokyo (1922–1931), and titular Archbishop of Edessa (Mesopotamia). He was appointed Archbishop of Ancona e Numana on 16 May 1931, and resigned the diocese on 5 February 1940. On the same day he was named titular Archbishop of Laodicea (Syria). He died on 30 August 1941. Annuario Pontificio 1943 (Città del Vaticano 1943), p. 362. George Minamiki (1985). The Chinese rites controversy, from its beginning to modern times. Chicago: Loyola University Press. p. 135. ISBN 978-0-8294-0457-9.  Charles R. Gallagher (2008). Vatican Secret Diplomacy: Joseph P. Hurley and Pope Pius XII. New Haven CT USA: Yale University Press. pp. 33-34. ISBN 978-0-300-14821-3. 
  • Tettamanzi was born at Renate (Milano) in 1934. After teaching in seminaries at Masnago, Seveso and Venegono Inferiore, he was named Rector of the Pontificio Seminario Lombardo in Rome in 1987. On 1 July 1991 he was appointed Archbishop of Ancona-Osimo. He resigned the diocese on 6 April 1991, when he was appointed Secretary General of Episcopal Conference of Italy) for a four-year term. On 20 April 1995 he was appointed Archbishop of Genoa, and on 21 February 1998 he was named a cardinal by Pope John Paul II. He was appointed Archbishop of Milan on 11 July 2002. He died on 5 August 2017. Martin Bräuer (2014). Handbuch der Kardinäle: 1846-2012 (en alemán). Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 582, 663. ISBN 978-3-11-026947-5.  Chiesa di Milano, "E morto il cardinale Dionigio Tettamanzi" (5 August 2017); retrieved: 12 January 2019. Harris M. Lentz III (2015). Popes and Cardinals of the 20th Century: A Biographical Dictionary (en italiano). McFarland. p. 187. ISBN 978-1-4766-2155-5.

  • Bishop Maurosus was present at the Lateran Synod of Pope Martin I in October 649. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciloiorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus X (Florence: A. Zatta 1764),p. 866. Peruzzi, p. 94. Cappelletti, p. 29
  • Bishop Senator was present at the Roman Synod of Pope Zacharias in 743. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciloiorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XII (Florence: A. Zatta 1766),p. 384c. Peruzzi, p. 95.
  • Bishop Tigrinus was present at the Roman Synod of Pope Eugenius II on 15 November 826. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciloiorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 1000. Philippus Jaffé and S. Lowenfeld, Regesta pontificum Romanorum Vol. I, second ed. (Leipzig: Veit 1885), p. 321. Peruzzi, pp. 95-96.
  • Erfermarius was present at the synod of Ravenna, held by Pope John XIII on 25 April 967. He also participated in the Roman synod of John XIII on 2 January 968. J. D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XVIII (Venice: A. Zatta 1773), p. 499. Schwartz, p. 240.

  • Bufalini was born in Città di Castello in 1709. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure (Macerata 1740). He held civil posts in the Papal States: Governor of Benevento (1741), and Loreto (1743). He was appointed Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures, and Cleric of the Apostolic Camera (Treasury). He became Preceptor of the Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Sassia. He had been titular Archbishop of Chalcedon, and was sent as Nuncio to Switzerland (1754). He became Prefect of the Apostolic Palace in 1759. On 21 July 1766 he was named a cardinal by Pope Clement XIII, and was assigned the titular church of S. Maria degli Angeli. He was appointed Bishop of Ancona on 1 December 1766 by Pope Clement XIII. He died on 3 August 1782 in the episcopal villa at Montesicuro, near Ancona. Mario Natalucci, "Il Cardinal Bufalini vescovo e administratore attraverso l'Archivio capitolare di Ancona," in: Quaderni storici delle Marche Vol. 2, No. 5 (2) (maggio 1967), pp. 353-368. (en italiano) Giuseppe Pignatelli, "Bufalini, Giovanni Ottavio," in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 14 (1972). (en italiano) Ritzler-Sefrin VI, pp. 23 no. 38; 161 with note 4.
  • A native of Corneto, Falzacappa had previously been a Canon of the Vatican Basilica, and then titular Archbishop of Athens (1819–1823). He was appointed a cardinal and Archbishop (personal title) of Ancona on the same day, 10 March 1823. He resigned the diocese of Ancona on 23 May 1824. Vercellone remarks that his membership in numerous bodies in the Roman Curia was the reason: in realtà sussistevano valide ragioni per evitare il suo allontanamento da Roma. Infatti era membro attivo di numerose congregazioni permanenti, come la Concistoriale, il S. Offizio, il Concilio, le Immunità, l'Indice, i Riti, il Cerimoniale, l'Esame dei vescovi, il Buon Governo e le Acque, oltre che di molte congregazioni straordinarie. He died in Rome, where he had been named Suburbicarian Bishop of Porto and Santa Rufina as well as Prefect of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, on 18 November 1840. Gaetano Moroni, ed. (1843). Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica (en italiano). Vol. XXIII. Venezia: Tipografia Emiliana. pp. 21-22.  Peruzzi, p. 139. Ritzler-Sefrin, VII, pp. 73, 93. Guido Fagioli Vercellone, "Falzacappa, Giovanni Francesco," in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 44 (1994)

  • Acta Sanctae Sedis Volumen XXXVII (Roma 1904–05), pp. 195-200.
  • Acta Apostolicae Sedis An. et Vol. LXIV (Città del Vaticano: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1972), pp. 664-665.
  • Acta Apostolicae Sedis An. et Vol. LXVII (Città del Vaticano: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1975), p. 557: Quapropter Summus Pontifex Paulus, Divina Providentia Pp. VI, in Audientia diei 5 iulii 1975, referente infrascripto Cardinale sacrae Congregationis pro Episcopis Praefecto, oblatis precibus benigne annuendum censuit simulque statuit, ut titulus praefatae Ecclesiae Numanensis seu Humanatensis, ne omnino periret, in Indice Sedium Titularium insereretur atque Episcopis titularibus nuncupatis conferretur.
  • Acta Apostolicae Sedis An. et Vol. LXXIX (Città del Vaticano: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1987), pp. 642-645.